Showing posts with label Verla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Verla. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


December 2, 2020


I hope the year of the Covid 19 finds you all healthy and wise. Verla and l have been very fortunate in that we have not contracted the disease or other serious illnesses. Thank God for all His blessings this past year. The independent housing facility that we live in, shut down Mar. 9th for visitors, and restricted many privileges for us so that has been a bummer. The praise band at the local church that I played bass with also shut down so the band has not played a service and we have not attended church services since then. We have worshiped online at Concordia San Antonio where Dawn and Bob worship.

Our family increased by one in March when Lily Boyd was born to Andrew and Samantha Boyd of San Antonio TX. Dawn and Bob were very happy with the new addition as were we.

We were able to make many trips to Decorah to our apartment this past year so we were very thankful for that. We were able to see many old friends such as Norma W. and Karen B. old neighbors of ours when we lived in Decorah. Verla quilted and I read a lot as we enjoyed our old haunts. Mark, our son and his daughter Roslyn joined us in July for a few days at Decorah about Nordic Fest time so that was a lot of fun.

Verla continues her passion of quilting by making and designing quilts for Lutheran World Relief and zooming with her buddies down at Zion Lutheran every Wed. morning for a few hours. Since Covid 19, they have not been willing to meet at church in fear of catching the dreaded disease.

Vince has been busy writing his third paper on the Eucharist. He has had an interest in the subject of Holy Communion for many years and the last paper is about the meaning of the words of institution and how they may be interpreted. So a literature review of two theologians who described the views of the patristic fathers up to the age of the reformers in Europe in the 1400 to 1500's was assessed and summarized in a paper to compile the views of learned people for two thousand years. It isn't exhaustive but is a snapshot view of what Christians have thought and recorded for many years. If any of you are interested I can send you an e-mail copy of what I found. It is entitled: THE EUCHARIST: IGNATIUS TO ZWINGLI.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year,

Vince and Verla

Sunday, December 25, 2016


Christmas tree (Iowa City, IA, 2016). Image courtesy of Vincent Williams.

December 17, 2016

Dear Ones,

Last year at this time we were in San Antonio with Dawn and Bob and their family for Christmas and New Year's; a marked difference from this year in Iowa City where it is snowing and the temp is dropping to below zero tonight. But you know what? We are alive and still kicking after all those years that God has allowed us to be on this earth.

In March we returned to San Antonio to spend spring break with Arik, Stacie and the girls at Dawn's and Heather's. Their association has a pool so we spent some time relaxing at the pool. The girls, Kaelyn, Amaya, and Lauren are now a junior in high school, an 8th grader and a 6th grader respectively. They are really nice girls, but of course we are prejudiced.

Of course, in April the infamous Blakey girls met in Decorah to spend a few days at the apartment and reminisce about times past and look into what's great about Decorah, and/or the area round about.

July found all of our family here for a long weekend to help us celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary. Whoever would have thought that God would allow us to have so many years together. We are truly blessed with four children, eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

The end of July found us back in Decorah for the annual Nordic Fest. Sharon showed up to help the celebration by wearing the bunad from North Osterdalen and Verla wore the one from Akershus in the bunad show. They behaved themselves and looked very stylish as they modeled the attire with great aplomb.

Then we did something really different as we spent from Aug. 29-Sept. 1st at Mt. Carmel Bible Camp to celebrate the exact date of our marriage at the Bible Camp that Verla went to when she was a teenager. We had a great time and met some old friends of Verla's and made some new ones as well.

Verla continues to lead a Bible study at church and then spends quality time with friends making quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Vince continues to play bass with the praise band at church and trying to keep up with the work that is involved with living on two acres of land. Hancher Auditorium was completed this fall so we have heard some wonderful musical and ballet events.

May God continue to bless you all this Christmas Season and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

All our love,

Vince and Verla

Sunday, April 24, 2011


December 11, 2007

Dear ________,

We are in the midst of another freezing rain/ice storm, so this will be a good day to start on the Christmas letter. I chopped the ice off from the front sidewalk from the previous 2 or 3 ice storms, so there won't be so much to do the next time. Vince did make it up the driveway this morning and went in to work. It's those 4 studded snow tires!

Yes, Vince is still working, though only 2 days a week this year. Since his Dental Class celebrated their 50th year this fall, he is thinking that this may be his last year of working. He does enjoy the teaching and he hears good reports, both from other faculty and from the students. The 2007 Senior Class voted him Adjunct Professor of the Year!

There were a couple/three fun trips on our calendar this year. In July, we spent a week at the resort in Minnesota with our entire family with the exception of Heather, our oldest granddaughter. But Jene, John, BrandiAnne and J.T., Arik, Stacie, Kaelyn, Amaya and Lauren, Mark, Junel and Roslyn (yes, our youngest granddaughter born March 1) and Dawn, Bob and Andrew all were able to attend. It was a fun week, and the cousins all got to know each other a little bit more.

We went to Carson City, to get acquainted with Roslyn in June. We wanted Mark and Junel to get adjusted to being new parents, so we didn't rush out when she was born. She is so smiley and happy!

And in February we went to Maryland for the graduation of Heather from Arcadia University in Philadelphia earning a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. We didn't make it out for her commissioning into the Navy as a Lt. I teased her: do we call her Dr. or Lt. or Lt. Dr? She has been stationed at Quantico, VA. Her adventures are just beginning and she makes us proud.

It is with thankful hearts to our gracious God for continuing good health as each year passes. Our small group Bible class studied Proverbs this fall. There are so many thought provoking proverbs - one I like is 17:6 "Children's children are a crown to the aged." Isn't that the truth? But maybe more important is 1:7 and 9:10 - "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom/knowledge."

May the blessings of this season be yours as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.

Merry Christmas

Saturday, April 23, 2011


December, 2006

Dear __________,

Have you heard the Christmas song written by Mark Lowry: "Mary, Did You Know?" It is addressed to Mary asking if she knew that the Baby Boy she delivered was going to heal the sick, raise the dead, give sight to the blind, make the lame leap, give voice to the dumb and hearing to the deaf, calm the stormy waters. I just listened to it again – it is thought-provoking!

Our activities during the past year have been both mundane and spectacular – mundane is the daily ebb and low. Well, maybe Vince doesn’t think so – this school year he is teaching three days a week at the Dental College, helping them out because of a temporary shortage. The spectacular has been our trips. In May, we flew out to Mark’s, who is now living near Carson City, NV but still teaching at Lake Tahoe Community College, for his wedding to Junel. It was a beautiful wedding at a chapel in Squaw Valley.

In July, we flew to Norway for a guided tour which was called Spectacular Norway, taking Dawn and Bob and Mark and Junel along as a celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary. Nephew Steve and Kathy also went along. We saw Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim and places in between. What fun we all had!

And in August, Arik, Stacie, Kaelyn, Amaya and Lauren, and Jené, John, BrandiAnne and J.T. went with us to a resort on Whitefish Lake, Minnesota for a week as a continuing celebration of our anniversary. Boating, swimming, sand castles, even turtle races. Fun!

And on the exact date of our wedding (September 1) we were in Decorah because Vince had a 55th high school class reunion. So my sisters and brother and their spouses joined us there. It’s as if we have been celebrating all year long.

A summary of where our children are: Dawn and Bob still live in Maryland. Bob has retired after 30 years in the Navy and is now employed in the same office as a civilian. Dawn enjoys her teaching pre-school at their church, Heather is about to complete Graduate school, getting a doctorate in Physical Therapy, and Andy is attending Community College.

Mark and Junel, as you have read, are in Carson City. Junel is a cosmetologist in Reno. We are eagerly awaiting the birth of their child in March.

Arik and Stacie with their girls are near Portland, OR. Kaelyn is in first grade already, Amaya will be 4 and is in preschool, and Lauren is about a year and a half. They are kept busy.

Jené and John remain in Traer, IA – at least they are close enough so we see them once in a while. They both teach, Jené second grade and John high school business. BrandiAnne is in 6th grade and learning to play the flute, and J.T. is in third, plays soccer and football (we gave him a practice drum pad and drum sticks for his birthday to maybe that is next).

"Don’t be afraid!" the angel said. "I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Savior, -yes, the Messiah, the Lord- has been born tonight in Bethlehem!" (Luke 2:10, 11 – Living Bible)

Christmas Blessings to you as we celebrate the birth of that Baby Boy!

Friday, April 22, 2011


December, 2005

Dear __________,

It seems that Christmas comes sooner and faster each year. There are some people who are more organized than I am who already have their cards sent. We have had the annual brunch at the home of the Chair of the Department, and also the reception for the faculty and staff emeriti of the Dental College. And it looks like winter and feels like it what with the snow and the cold.

There have been few changes within our family – we have all gotten a year older. That’s probably most noticeable on the grandchildren, who grow and change.

We spent last Christmas with Dawn and her family in Maryland. Andrew will be graduating from high school this spring, Bob will be retiring from the military, Heather is continuing her pursuit of a Doctor of Physical Therapy, and Dawn is completely enthralled (most of the time) with the 4-yr. olds in the Preschool at their church.

We visited Mark in October and met his fiancée, Junel. We spent about 5 days packed with trips to Virginia City, where Mark was the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera in Concert. We saw the production 5 times, besides a couple of rehearsals. And between performances one day, we went to Carson City to see the house that Mark and Junel will be living in halfway between her work and his.

Arik and Stacie are still in McMinnville, OR. We visited them on a long Memorial Day weekend. Then we went out again in September for another long weekend to get acquainted with our newest grandchild, Lauren Maile, born July 29. Kaelyn started kindergarten this fall; Amaya is busy in Pre School – they both love to play dress-up.

John and Jené are in Traer still busy with teaching, home and family. BrandiAnne is a fifth grader, loves being on the Drill Team, and in the band. She does an amazing job on the flute. J.T. is in second grade, likes soccer and wrestling.

Vince still teaches one day a week as a Prosthodontic consultant. He enjoys the students, seniors getting ready to go ‘out into the world’ and work. We still go to Decorah every once in a while – though being sooo busy it’s hard to find the time. Vince enjoys catching the trout – and he cleans them, and then fries them. Um, good!

As for me, I still type Norwegians listed in the 1900 Minnesota Federal Census for Vesterheim, still “lead” the Wednesday morning Bible Class, and still tie quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Relating to that, with money that was given in memory of Mom, I bought quilting material. The finished quilt was raffled at church with the proceeds going to LWR. Pam, Sharon, Jessica, Dawn and Jene all bought a bunch of tickets. And the winning ticket was BrandiAnne’s. When I called LWR for the address, the gentleman answering the phone told me that if a gift is over $500. a brick can be placed in the plaza of the LWR building in Baltimore – there will be a brick there with Mom’s name on it – we got $571. Isn’t that neat?!

With all of you, we celebrate “the good news of great joy that will be for all the people…a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord”.

Merry Christmas!

Vince and Verla

Thursday, April 21, 2011


December 2004

Dear ___________,

It is hard to believe that it is time to send out Christmas Greetings again. We have already received a few from the early birds who are so organized. We have had our annual Norse Club Smorgasbord with the lutefisk and lefsa; and a reception for the faculty and staff emeriti of the College of Dentistry; we have seen the Joffrey Ballet Nutcracker performance; and still to come is the department faculty Christmas brunch at the home of the Chair of the Department.

With children living on both coasts, we have traveled during this past year: In May we went to Maryland to visit the Boyds (Dawn, Bob, Heather and Andy) and to attend Heather’s graduation from Salisbury (MD) University. It was a busy but enjoyable time.

In June, we went to Lake Tahoe to see Mark and to attend a gala for the presentation of a musical which he, together with the Drama professor at the college, wrote. (Mark wrote the music and Dave wrote the book.) They called it Lysistrata’s War, based on an old Greek play.

And in July we joined Arik, Stacie, Kaelyn, and Amaya and Jene, John, BrandiAnne and J.T. at a Minnesota lake for a week. We had a nice house which held all of us; it was such fun.

My mom died in August, so there were a couple of trips to Minnesota to share her last moments and to attend her funeral. If she had lived 17 more days, she would have been 95, a long life. We think of her often.

In September we again headed for Minnesota to attend my high school class reunion – let’s see how many years was that?

On a long weekend in October, we took a Iowa Public TV bus tour to Branson – the days were filled with excursions, shows, dinners – the family friendly atmosphere as well as the patriotic emphasis was enjoyable.

And in between that we squeezed in a few trips to Decorah – Vince still teases the trout or do they tease him?

With all of you, we celebrate “the good news of great joy that will be for all the people…….a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord”.

Merry Christmas!

Vince and Verla

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Dear __________,

We are both doing just fine – what do they say, “we’re in pretty good shape considering the shape we’re in”, - you know, skin sagging around the jowls, underarm flap, bent shoulders, tummy paunch, etc. But we are still going strong, enjoying the activities in Iowa City, sometimes in Decorah. Vince still goes in as a consulting prosthodontist one day a week, but wonders if he will next year. Then there is Book Club, Norse Club, Zion Bible Class, - we both keep busy.

Our “kids” are all fine, also, and our travels this year have involved visits to all of them. In March we went out to Maryland to visit Dawn and her family. Bob had a “Change of Command” and that is always such a beautiful ceremony – dress uniforms, flags and flowers, salutes, escorts to our seats. Neat! Heather is a senior at Salisbury University but she was able to come home for that, so we got to see her, too. Dawn is home schooling Andy, but he is beginning to look forward to taking some science courses at the Community College when he turns 16 in February. Dawn is still very active at church, and is now teaching 4-year-olds at the Pre-School there.

Mark is busy at Lake Tahoe Community College – he sold his condo the first of the year and bought a house on the California side. So in September we went out to scope that out. There is little space to build new houses there, so he bought an older one which was completely re-done inside – very nice. We even got to go to a couple of rehearsals for the play he was in. It is such a beautiful area!

We visited Arik and Stacie on the same trip – they also have moved into a new house, built in a developing area a little southwest of Portland. They presented us with our 6th grandchild last January, but this was the first opportunity we had to see Amaya Grace. She is a cutie, but may have a hard time keeping up with her 3-yr old sister, Kaelyn. What a beautiful bundle of energy she is!

And every once in a while, we go to Traer to visit Jene and their kids. They also have built a new house, on a large lot just across the alley from the old one. (They even have a spare bedroom which is called “our” room.) So they still walk to school. J.T. is in all-day kindergarten this year, and keeps the teachers busy with his curiosity. BrandiAnne is a third-grader, still has her vivid imagination. Wonder if she will become a writer?

Mom is still in her apartment in Mankato, and we plan to go up there for Christmas with her (and my sisters and their families). We helped her celebrate her 94th birthday in August. We made another trip the weekend before Thanksgiving: we went to Denver for my brother’s 50th wedding anniversary. It was fun to see all of his family again – that doesn’t happen often. And we also had a good visit with Vince’s nephew, Steve and Kathy.

And so we wish for you a blessed Christmas, not only as we celebrate Christ’s First Coming, but as we look forward to His Second Coming!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


December 2002

It is difficult to tell the story of our past year, because for so many (the family extended, and all who I e-mail) already know so much of it. But for all others:

There have been mountain tops and there have been valleys.

Easter weekend we were in Portland, OR, for the wedding of Arik and Stacie – it was beautiful! And all of his siblings were there to share it, plus his cousin Steve and Kathy from Denver.

June found us on the other side of the continent, in Maryland, celebrating the graduation from high school of our oldest granddaughter, Heather. Since she was home schooled, her graduation was planned by her superintendent, principal, and teacher (her parents) – it was neat!

In September, we winged our way to Stateline, NV, (Lake Tahoe) to watch and listen to Mark as he had the lead in the musical Jekyll & Hyde. He was terrific! He said it was the most difficult role he has ever played – to watch him change from Jekyll to Hyde was most interesting.

In November we again drove to Maryland to have Thanksgiving with the Boyd family. On the day before Thanksgiving we rode with Dawn to Salisbury to pick up Heather – she attends the university there.

The summer was a different story for our youngest daughter - Jené was diagnosed with a brain tumor in June, had surgery in July, and recuperated in August and September. The tumor was benign for which we all thank and praise God. God was besieged with prayers on her behalf from friends and family all across the nation.

In December, we are not going to Florida to watch the Iowa Hawkeyes football team play in the Orange Bowl. We did go to most of the home games and watched the transformation of the team from 0 wins-8 losses in the Big 10 four years ago to 8 wins-0 losses in the Big 10 this year. Wow!

As for our daily routine, it is much the same: Vince is still prosthetics adjunct at the Dental College, I’m still involved with the Bible Study and quilt tying at Zion, and we try to get 3 or 4 walks accomplished each week (our drs. say exercise is good!).

“Don’t be afraid!” he {the angel} said. “I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born tonight in Bethlehem.”

Merry Christmas!

Monday, April 18, 2011


December 2001

Dear ________,

In just re-reading some past Christmas letters seeking inspiration for this one, I instead became depressed. Take the 1982 letter for example, I filled an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet solid with news, in rhyme yet. Uffda! And using that letter as an example, we have now been living a very inactive quiet life. Then why do I think I am so busy?

Anyway, this has been a good year:

Mom still lives in her apartment in Mankato, slowing down, losing her vision, celebrated her 92nd birthday. She is glad for evening meals served 5 nights a week, and morning coffee with several of the other residents.

Our "kids" are all in the same place as last year, all doing the same thing: 1) Dawn, and Bob, Heather and Andy in Maryland. We were out there for Memorial Day weekend - saw the Blue Angels perform. What precision, what noise! And the following weekend we were present at Andy's confirmation service. It was a good visit.

2) Mark living in Stateline, NV, teaching at Lake Tahoe Community College, performing some. We were out there for a short visit in August. After taking us up to Donner Pass one day and down to Yosemite National Park another, he was surprised that one of our favorite things was watching him work as musical director for the play Into the Woods being put on by a private company at the north end of the Lake.

3) On that same trip, we went up to Portland OR to see Arik, Stacie and Kaelyn. Arik still works at United Rental, Stacie part time as a dietician. We helped Kaelyn celebrate her first birthday, a few days early. She enjoyed watching the single candle burn on her cupcake, and then getting to eat the cake and get frosting all over her face. Yummmm!

4) Jene and John are still teaching at Traer, IA so we see them oftener, though maybe not as often as you would think living that close. Jene still teaches second grade, and John high school business, and helps setting up the computer for the school, and of course, head wrestling coach. BrandiAnne is in first grade and loves learning to read. J. T. goes to pre-school and day care. They are a busy family!

We've gone to Mankato a few times, and to Decorah a few times. Vince had his 50th high school class reunion in September, and had a really good turnout. The years go by! And of course, we went to the Nordic Fest in July, a Vesterheim Museum dinner at the restored Winneshiek Hotel in October, some trout fishing weekends.

Vince still plays his bass guitar in the Praise Band for the Contemporary Service on Saturday evenings at church - he really likes it!

It is so comforting to know in these times of threats and dangers, that we rest in the knowledge of eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Savior, whose birth we celebrate this time of year. May that peace be yours.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


December 13, 1999

Dear ________,

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is
Christ the Lord" - our prayer is that you have a blessed Christmas!
So many are saying the year has passed so quickly, and we agreel Our year has been filled
with happy times:

- the wedding in Morris, IL of Vince's great niece, Tara Zylla to Jim Walke - it was beautiful, and so good to see Lanita (Vince's niece) and Brian and Candice and their little girl, and of course, Steve and Kathy.
- the Johnson Cousin reunion in Decorah at Nordic Fest time. There were about 80 at the Saturday evening picnic, and nearly that many at the Sunday noon dinner. Florida and California and places in between were represented. Steve and Kathy flew in from Denver and stayed with us a night at our little "get-away" apartment.
- the 90th birthday celebration for my Mom in August. Most of her descendants were at a picnic in Mankato - 50 or so. She has 15 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and even now this month is awaiting the arrival of her first great great grandchild. My brother thinks it's worse that he is going to be a great grandpa. All 4 of our children with spouses and children spent the week prior to the Party with us. That was really neat! It's not often the 4 are home at the same time.
- my high school class reunion in Windom, MN - 50 years. Uffda! Some hadn't changed much,
some had. It was fun.

Our children's lives are much the same. However, Bob has a new tour of duty so Dawn and
Bob, Heather and Andy moved from Centreville VA to St. Leonard MD last spring. We were out to see them in their new house when they were barely settled. Andy went fishing with his grandpa; Heather and I did a sewing project, besides the sight seeing and visiting.

Mark has just moved from Carson City to Stateline, NV. He says he has a beautiful view of
Lake Tahoe on one side and the Carson valley on the other. He will be teaching voice, musical
theater, whatever at Lake Tahoe C.C. He and another faculty member have written a musical which they will be doing next June - we hope to go out and see it.

Arik is at the same job in Portland - he has gotten a boat and with his special friend, Stacie, has gotten into fishing. He was thrilled to have caught a 7 foot sturgeon. Wow!

Jene and John are still in Traer, IA, both teaching. BrandiAnne and IT. keep them on the move when they're not working. IT. just turned 2, andis into trucks, big, little and in between. BrandiAnne has her dolls - she loves her nativity set and talks with Mary, 'Dofus' and baby Jesus.

Vince was asked to come back as a prosthodontic consultant, so he spends Wednesday mornings at the Dental College. He enjoys the interaction with the senior students and the camaraderie with his colleagues.

I just keep busy. I continue to lead a Bible study at the church, 12 weeks in the fall session, and 12 weeks in the spring. That keeps me studying!

picture i.d.: Bob Boyd, Mark, Arik, Vince, Stacie, John Daub holding J.T.
Heather, Dawn, Andy, Verla, Jene holding BrandiAnne


Friday, April 15, 2011


15 December 1998

Dear __________

Merry Christmas and all the Blessings of the Season!

The picture on the card is of Brandi Anne, Jene and Verla in Decorah in July for the Nordic Fest. We were in the Bunad (costumes) shows.

That was one of our outings. Others were:

To Chicago for an annual Dental Meeting.

To Traer, Iowa, home of Jene and John for the baptism of J.T. in April and again in July for BrandiAnne's birthday. J.T. is now one, almost walking, happy, energetic. By looking, you'd never guess he was a preemie. BrandiAnne is three, inquisitive, curious, imaginative. It's fun to watch her at play, listen to her chatter, hear her say, "I love you."

To Virginia the end of May to be with Heather on her Confirmation Day. It's always fun to visit Dawn and Bob, Heather and Andy.

And the end of October we drove to Denver. Mom rode along with us and first we visited brother Gordon and family. Saw several of his 'kids' and some of his grandchildren. Vince and I then visited his nephew, Steve and Kathy. They live in the south of Denver. It was a good visit! They visited us at our Decorah apartment Memorial Day weekend. Steve and Vince fished for trout, caught some and fried them up for a trout dinner.

We had a good time at the lake in Northern Minnesota in June when our 'kids' and grandchildren gathered for a week. It had been three years since we'd all been together (for a similar week) but this time not quite all - the Navy had other plans for Bob, a trip to Australia no less.

The kids are all in the same places doing the same thing as last year. Dawn and Bob are anticipating a move, perhaps in January - perhaps to Maryland (not very far). Jene and John remain in Traer, though Jene is teaching full time this year (second grade). Right now, John is busy coaching wrestling, as well as his teaching.

Arik is still in Portland, OR. and Mark in Carson City, NV - no major changes there.

Mom made some major changes this year: she moved to an apartment in Mankato in July. She decided to give up her car in September.

We had a fun time helping her celebrate her 89th birthday in August. We went out for lunch and by the time we finished, Mom had about 11 balloons tied to her wrists and her chair - the waitresses and waiters all entered into the festivity of the day! All 11 brought her a Sundae, topping it with every imaginable topping and then proceeded to eat it themselves. They did bring another one for her to eat!

Another fun event - niece Jessica's wedding to Brady Town in July.

And a sad event - the funeral in Decorah of dear friend, Willis.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior...."

Best greetings,

Thursday, April 14, 2011


When Christmas morn is dawning I wish that I could be
There by the manger cradle God's Son, newborn, to see.
How kind of you, our Savior, For us to come to earth
Oh, may we not by sinning Despise your lowly birth.
We need you, 0 Lord Jesus, to be our dearest friend
Your love will guard and guide us and keep us to life's end.

--Abel Burckhardt (19th c.)

14 December 1997

Merry Christmas!

It gets harder each year to remember just exactly what happened during the year. There were some momentous times to remember, I think.

We did have a trip or two: In February a usual dental trip into Chicago, and an unusual trip (for us) for Iowa dental alumni to Scottsdale, AZ. Vince's class also made it a 40th class reunion and that was fun.

In June we went on an 18 day trip with my sister and brother-in-law (Sharon and Dalen) to the northwest. We saw, sometimes briefly, Glacier, Lake Louise, Banff, Vancouver, Victoria, Portland, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Big Horns, Spearfish-Passion Play, Black Hills, the Corn Palace, and a few places in between. We traveled in Dalen's RV - now that's togetherness!

It was fun to see Annie (my friend of old) and Bob in July - they stopped in for an overnight - we visited and visited. Annie wanted to see the Medical Museum at the University - that was interesting and we had never seen it. We also went to the Amanas a little bit. Annie and I roomed together at LBI, & I was her maid of honor, she was my matron of honor.

Vince took early retirement the end of August - he was given a nice retirement party - such plaudits! I've been told that retirement is twice the husband at half the pay. And the very next week we drove to Centreville, VA to visit Dawn and her family. (Any time we see any of our kids is a treat - it isn't nearly often enough.) Dawn's kids are growing up, too fast we think. Heather is 13, a sweet young lady, and Andy is 9 (nearly 10). Andy is going to be a proficient fisherman - Grandpa showed him how to cast.

Since October we have been trying to be as much help as we could to Jené - she had a high risk pregnancy and had to go on bed rest. The day before Thanksgiving she gave birth to John William Daub, III. He was a preemie and had to spend about 10 days in Intensive Care, but is now home and doing well. He seems so small - how soon we forget how tiny newborns are. BrandiAnne is 2 and is getting used to have a little brother around. John got a teaching position in Traer, IA and so they moved there in August. It is different not to have them in Iowa City, but it is only an hour and half away.

Mark is still in Carson City, teaching and doing some performing. Arik is still in Portland, helping to manage a rental company. We haven't seen them this year except for a brief stop in Portland when we were on our RV trip.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"For unto you is born this day
in the city of David
a Savior who is CHRIST the LORD!"

16 December 1996

Dear __________

We wish you God's richest blessing in this Christmas season!

There have been events and changes in our lives this year just closing. Our children are all in the same places, and we have been able to visit them briefly. We tacked March's Spring Break onto a Dental trip to San Francisco, and visited Mark in Carson City, NV and Arik in Portland, OR. We took a day trip while in Portland to visit our good friends, the Molines in Philomath, OR.

We spent some time in Centreville, VA with Dawn and her family the first part of July. We decided to watch the Fourth of July festivities of D.C. on the television, rather than brave the crowds and traffic. Dawn took us to Gettysburg, PA one day - that was an interesting historical trip. Jené, John and BrandiAnne are here in Iowa City, and we enjoy seeing them more frequently.

The first weekend in August we went back to Carson City, to see Mark as Professor Harold Hill in The Music Man. That was at an outdoor theatre on the north end of Lake Tahoe, and gets chilly (cold?) in the evenings in August. But it was a fun production to see!

I had one day home from that, when I drove to Minneapolis to accompany Mom on a flight to Denver to visit my brother and his families. (Five of his kids live in the Denver area.) His daughter and family from Texas were there and Mom thought it was a good chance to see some great grandchildren she hadn't yet seen. We had a good time visiting all of them.

My dad died in July, a couple of months shy of his 94th birthday, and a month shy of his and Mom's 69th wedding anniversary. He said several times in the last couple of years that life was getting harder to live - the body just didn't work as well. But they were able to stay on the farm until just a year ago August, when they moved to an apartment. Mom is happy to be there and keeps busy. The apartment complex offers assisted living for those who need it. Mom, however, still drives her car and maintains her independence.

Vince and I are both well. Vince is now on phased retirement, and works 3 days a week. He enjoys his Mondays and Fridays off. He is hoping to take early retirement the end of next year.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


December 1995

Dear ones,

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Isn't it great to hear the Christmas carols on the radio, on the TV, or even in the shopping malls? It helps remind us of the miraculous birth of the Son of God which is the whole reason for the season.

This is the annual report for some of you who usually only hear from us this once-a-year:

We haven't made any really long trips. Going to San Antonio for the annual dental research meeting in March was fun. We walked the River Walk, toured the Alamo, and ate the good Mexican food. And to Centreville, VA to see Dawn and her family over New Year's was a good time. Dawn had arranged for us an invitation to a plantation for a party - that was neat. Other than that, we have mostly traveled to Decorah or to Windom.

We still have the apartment in Decorah and Vince loves to go up there and catch those trout. He also cooks them and they are really good. We went up in October to see the King and Queen of Norway - we even had dinner with them. They didn't know we were there, of course. But it was a lot of fun. The King in his greeting at the convocation at Luther College said he heard that that area of Iowa is called Little Switzerland, and that is all right - Switzerland is a beautiful country; but he thought it could also be properly called Little Norway. He received a resounding round of applause.

My parents decided it was time to get off the farm and into town. They couldn't find an apartment in Windom, so they moved to one in Jackson. They were born, raised, married in Jackson County, so it wasn't a "foreign" move. They are liking it, though Dad says it isn't home.

We had a good vacation at a resort in northern Minnesota which we have been to every now and then as our children were growing up. And they all joined us for that week in June - there were 15 of us (my sister Pam and Ryan and Joshua were with us) and such a gathering around the table that was. We took turns preparing the meals. The week was really hot so was good to be at a lake. Dalen and Sharon stopped by for a day with Dalen's boat; so a lot of water skiing was done that day. One day we rented a jet ski, and most everyone had fun on that! And of course, we had to go to Paul Bunyanland one day - the kids (big and little) had a good time, riding all the rides. It was the first time that we were all together in six years. We are told the kids want to do it again, only maybe in three years, so they must have enjoyed it, too.

BrandiAnne Daub joined our family in July being born to Jené and John. It is such fun to have them living so close - we get a chance to spoil her properly. Now we look forward to having my sisters and families and Mom and Dad visit us over Christmas!

Season's Greetings,

Monday, April 11, 2011


It gets harder to remember what happened as the year speeds by. It's a good thing I have a calendar. It reminds me we took a few trips - some long, some short. Vince's annual March dental meeting was in Seattle - that was fun for me. Annie, my matron of honor at our wedding lives there and entertained me royally. Such gabbing! Vince took off one day from the meeting and Annie and Bob took us to Leavenworth, a beautiful little town SE of Seattle that looks like Bavaria in S. Germany.

Spring break is also in March and we flew out to visit Arik and Miranda in L.A. We felt a 5.3 aftershock from their big quake in January. Whew! Our short trips were mostly to Windom to visit my folks (or my 45th (Uffda) high school class reunion), or to Decorah. Vince has what he calls his "fishing shack" - we rent a 1-bedroom apartment in Decorah. And he has caught, and we have eaten, some trout this summer and fall. They are good!

This has been a year of changes for our children, excepting Mark. He is still in Carson City, NV, teaching voice and doing some performing.

Arik and Miranda decided to get out of LA and moved to Portland, Oregon, the first of September. We have yet to visit there. They were back here for a weekend in September for the wedding of his friend, Marty.

Dawn, Bob, Heather and Andy moved back from Guam, and now live in Centreville, VA (near Dulles airport). They stopped here for 3 weeks enroute the end of June and first part of July. What fun!

Jené and John also moved back from Guam, arriving about the same time as Dawn - they had vacationed in Hawaii and LA (with A & M) on their way. They are presently living in Iowa City where Jene is a Special Ed teacher - John is substitute teaching and works most every day. He is still looking for a full-time teaching position, so time will tell where they will be next year. We appreciate having them so close.

Vince still teaches full time but retirement is getting close scrutiny - early retirement if the Univ. would approve at least a phased retirement.

There have been some sad times: Vince's aunt and uncle in Decorah both died - Mable at Christmas last year and Bill in February. And in September his brother Spence died in Tucson. We flew down for the Memorial Service. Vince alone survives in his immediate family.

Friday, April 8, 2011


December, 1991

It's time to catch up with those we see or hear from once or twice a year. It's rather a paradox - some of the events seem to have been a long time ago, and yet the months have gone by so quickly.

We have had a couple of trips: in March we visited our 2 daughters, our 2 sons-in-law, and our 2 grandchildren for 10 days who then were living in Guam. What a lo-o-ong flight! We broke it up a little by staying with Arik in LA a couple of days on each end of the trip. Guam is a nice, warm, interesting place to visit. We spent time on the beach, saw WWII historical sites, and played with the kids. (Actually, Dawn's husband, Bob wasn't there - the Navy was still in the Persian Gulf and he was over there.) Dawn and Bob, Heather and Andy moved to northern Japan last summer but will move back to Guam the first part of June (as orders stand now).

Jené and John are still teaching in Guam and will most likely stay for one more year. But they are beginning to get lonesome for the States. They are in their 3rd year of teaching over there. Last summer they visited Hong Kong. I think next summer they hope to get to Australia. And they are trying to get up to Japan for Christmas.

Towards the end of April we went to Acapulco for a dental meeting. It was interesting, very hot, fun to see people only seen at such meetings.

Dawn, Bob and the kids were here on leave the first part of June. When Bob found out that housing in Japan wasn't immediately available, he decided to go on ahead - Dawn and the kids stayed here through July. What fun we had! I guess I really spoiled Andy - he wouldn't let anyone else do anything for him. Heather is a neat little lady - she reads to me now. Dawn home-schooled her first 2 years, but this year she's enrolled in second grade and having a good time.

Arik and Miranda popped in for a visit in September. I knew they were coming but it was a surprise for Vince for his birthday. He was surprised!

Mark lives the closest, still teaching in Decatur, IL. so we get to see him oftener. He probably thinks it's up to him to keep us from getting too lonesome.

We didn't go to any genealogical-type meetings this year, so to meet any 3rd or 4th cousins; but I did meet Helene Furst with whom I have been corresponding, at the Nordic Fest in Decorah (she's a 4th cousin on my mom's side). And one day I got a phone call from a 3rd or 4th cousin (in-law) who was visiting relatives in Iowa City so I got a chance to meet her. I have also been writing to her. Another phone call led to meeting a second cousin on my dad's side, (they were going through Iowa City on their way home). That's one of the most fun results of doing family history!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


December 1990

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas greetings are beginning to arrive and we enjoy them all - it is so good to keep in touch.

In fact, this past year could be summarized by our various 'visits':

In January, Willis and Norma Wangsness came to visit and it was like old times in Decorah - we or they going across the street for a cup of coffee and chatter.

In February, and again in May, we made the trip to Decorah, visiting with relatives as we attended the funerals of cousins Fred Rosenthal and Arnold Hexom.

March was Vince's dental trip to Cincinnati - that gave me a chance to visit with Charlotte Lee, who drove down from Dayton (What a friend!) each day to help me sight see, and to talk. It was so much fun!

Vince took his annual fishing trip in May, so I trekked off to Windom to visit my folks, and other relatives. That's getting to be a tradition and fun to have more time than just a weekend.

Jené and John came from Guam in June for a 6-week visit. Trying to see both parents, all their friends, and other relatives kept them on the run. It was good to see them and to hear about their teaching experiences. While they were up at John's folks, sis Sharon and her family and we drove a rented RV out to the East Coast. My, what visiting went on day and night. We were typical tourists trying to see way too much in too short a time. We glimpsed D.C., Phillie, Cape Cod, Boston, some of the Maine coastline, upper N.H., Vermont, N.Y., through Niagara Falls and back home, in some less than 2 weeks.

Jené and John had met Arik and Miranda at the airport, so they were all at the house when we got back (this was July 5). We repacked, and loaded 2 cars and headed for a few days at the Minnesota resort we have gone to since the kids were little. There we had time to lay around, fish a little, swim a little, read a little, and visit through it all. But Arik and Miranda only had a week, so it was back to L.A. for them.

We went to the Nordic Fest the end of July - that's a given - but this time we went via Minneapolis. John and Jené flew out from there back to Guam on Saturday morning, so we saw them off before going to Decorah.

Mark spent the summer in a little town in the mountains near Denver doing theater. He loved the mountain scenery and showed us around when Sharon and I flew out for a weekend. We also got to see all three of the plays he was in, a different one each night. And we included in the visit a few hours with brother Gordon and Shirley and some of their family.

I also went to Windom in August, this time to share in Mom's birthday observance. Both my sisters were there, as well as cousins, so it was a good visit. (I forgot a weekend in June when we went to Windom for the All-Class Reunion. Over 30 from my class were there!)

Vince's brother Spence came to visit in September. He was here a few days, visited his daughter Lanita in Joliet, 1L. and his grandchildren, and spent time in Decorah, Calmar, Mason City. He even got to see the Iowa State (he grad. from there) Iowa football game while he was here. We made a trip to La Crosse, Wis. in September for the Romerike Stevne (a convention of descendants of immigrants from Romerike, Norway) and while there met and visited with Bob Moe, a 2nd cousin of Vince's who now lives in California but grew up in the Fort Dodge area. Doing family history brings new connections, and that is fun.

October brought some other visitors - Dawn, Heather and Andy came from Guam (Bob was too busy to get away). It had been over a year since we had seen them so we really enjoyed it. The kids have grown and changed: Andy talks a blue streak, giggles and laughs and enjoys life. Heather is getting to be a little lady, looks upon herself as Andy's protector (if he needs it). Dawn is 'home-schooling' her, so the daily lessons came along. They went out to PA to see Bob's folks, too; I'm sure the time was too short for them, too. They even got to see a bit of snow before they flew out of the Minneapolis airport the first part of November.

Now we are into Advent and eagerly listen for the telling of the visits of the Angels, the Shepherds, and the Wise Men as they and we worship and adore the Child whose birth we celebrate!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Dear family and friends,

If you want to read an uplifting, depressing, sad, and joyful little book, try Edna Hong's Bright Valley of Love. I've read it at the beginning of Advent for 4 years and cry, and get angry, and laugh, and become more determined to "love my neighbor" each time I read it. There is one place where a young boy has discovered "there's a crack in everything!" so what's the good of Christmas anyway? The answer given him is that's just the reason that Christ was born - because there is a crack in everything!

We've had some exciting times this past year:

Vince had a dental meeting in San Francisco last March. Mark and I went along - we went sightseeing while Vince attended meetings. Arik flew up and joined us for a weekend. We took an additional week of vacation (Spring Break) rented a car and drove down to L.A. Stayed with Arik, lollygagged around the pool at his apartment, enjoyed the warm weather. (This year the March meeting is in Cincinnati.)

On June 10, Jené married John Daub. It was a pretty day and a beautiful service. She was so well organized we were able to have Dawn's 2 little kids stay with us the 2 weeks before the wedding. Dawn and Bob were busy packing, sorting, etc. in preparation for a new assignment. We were especially glad to have Heather and Andy here since they moved so far away - they are now living on Guam, moving there the middle of July. What is even more strange is that Jené and John both got teaching contracts on Guam, and they left for there the first days of August. We hope to visit all of them some time.

Bob has been back in the states on temporary duty and was with us for Thanksgiving - he brought along a videotape, so we got to see and hear the kids, some of their activities, the house Dawn and Bob have, and Jene and John's apartment, as well as some of the island's beaches, historic spots, scenery. That was fun.

We helped my mom celebrate her 80th birthday at Windom in August. She didn't want a big "to-do" and though we threatened to do it anyway, we decided to mind her and just had a small family affair.

These were the major events and changes - Mark is still teaching at Millikin Univ. Decatur, IL; Arik is still working as asst. manager of an auto junk yard in L.A.; and Vince is still teaching at the Dental College.

The Christmas cards and letters have started to arrive. We saw the Nutcracker last week, and went to the Dept. Christmas party. The Madrigal Dinner is next on the calendar and then the Norse Club Smorgasbord. I think the Norwegians have a better idea - they do all the preparations the days before Christmas; then Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are the church and family observances, and then for the next 12 to 20 days are all the parties.

May your Christmas be joyous and meaningful, "for unto to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


14 December 1988

Merry Christmas! It is with hesitant anticipation that I approach Advent and Christmas. I enjoy the extra baking, the shopping, the card-mailing and receiving, the get-togethers and parties; the concerts, Madrigal dinner, the decorations and lights; but is that what God intended? Can all that be combined with the Worship and Adoration of the Christ-Child? Perhaps so, as long as we remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

January - a couple of trips to Mpls-St. Paul - Vince was considering a change of location but decided against it so we are still here in Iowa.

February - I flew to Charleston, S.C. to entertain Heather and help her welcome her new brother. Andrew Keith was born February 14.

March - Jené, Vince and I drove to S.C. during Spring Break - Grandpa had to see that new grandson, too. We also had a trip to Montreal for a Dental Meeting.

June - 2 weeks at a lake in Mn., my sisters and families, my folks, Arik and Jené joining us for the first week. Dawn and Bob, Heather and Andy there for most of both weeks. Bob's new orders were to report to Fort Leavenworth, KS July 1. It's been fun having them so close - we've seen them at least every month.

August - spent a week at Windom with the folks - visiting relatives, etc. Looked up a high school classmate (I hadn't seen her since our 5-yr. reunion) one day on our way to visit my sister in Mankato. My cousin (Mom's 1st cousin) gave me some letters in Norwegian written by my gr. gr. grandfather to his son, my gr. grandfather. What fun to have!

Sept., Oct., Nov., - football games, concerts: we've heard Moscow Symphony, Marvin Hamlisch, Robert Goulet in South Pacific, Debbie Reynolds, Canadian Brass, Mark Williams in Oklahoma!, among others.

Our kids:

Dawn, Bob, Heather and Andy will be in Kansas until June 1, then maybe heading for Guam. We've never visited Guam.

Mark - received his DMA in Voice Performance at U of I, Champaign, Ill. presently teaching at Millikin Univ., Decatur.

Arik - still living and working in LA - hopes to get home in June.

Jené - practice teaching next semester; graduating from UNI in May, marrying John Daub in June - both of them hoping to find teaching positions.

Monday, April 4, 2011


December 16, 1987

Dear __________

On a Saturday about 3 weeks ago, we stood in a cold, wet rain eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the King of Norway as he drove through the streets of Decorah. The thought has struck me: do we wait as eagerly now as, we approach the celebration of the birth of the King of Kings! May your Celebration be especially meaningful to you (and to us) this joyful season.

Just a brief summary of where our kids are: well, come to think of it, it will be brief. They are all still where they were last year. Maybe by next year there will be a couple of changes. We visited Dawn and Bob and Heather in Charleston, S.C. last March, and we made a short trip to L.A. to see Arik this fall. It's fun to be able to see them in your mind instead of just imagining what their homes are like, etc. We have been to Mark and Amy's a couple of times at Champaign, and see Jené oftener - she's the closest and is enjoying her college work.

Guess August was both the saddest and the "gladdest" month. Vince's brother Lyle died from lunq cancer - he had fouqht it bravely for 2 1/2 years. Fortunately, we had been to Salt Lake in July to see Lyle and Exene, and Linda and family and had some good visits. We flew out for his memorial service August 17-18.

And then the following weekend drove to Windom to help my folks celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. We made it a Blakey reunion and all of the folks' descendants were there, includinq 15 qrandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. We spent most of Saturday together visiting and eating, and eating and visiting. On Sunday, we filled 4 pews at morning worship, and at noon nearly filled an upper room of a restaurant where Dad treated us to dinner. In the afternoon, the folks greeted 160 friends and relatives at an Open House. My only reqret is that the weekend went too fast, and the time for visiting was too short. Next time we will have to add another day. Shall we plan it for their 65th or 70th? It really was such fun!

Merry Christmas,