Showing posts with label Samantha Boyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samantha Boyd. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


December 2, 2020


I hope the year of the Covid 19 finds you all healthy and wise. Verla and l have been very fortunate in that we have not contracted the disease or other serious illnesses. Thank God for all His blessings this past year. The independent housing facility that we live in, shut down Mar. 9th for visitors, and restricted many privileges for us so that has been a bummer. The praise band at the local church that I played bass with also shut down so the band has not played a service and we have not attended church services since then. We have worshiped online at Concordia San Antonio where Dawn and Bob worship.

Our family increased by one in March when Lily Boyd was born to Andrew and Samantha Boyd of San Antonio TX. Dawn and Bob were very happy with the new addition as were we.

We were able to make many trips to Decorah to our apartment this past year so we were very thankful for that. We were able to see many old friends such as Norma W. and Karen B. old neighbors of ours when we lived in Decorah. Verla quilted and I read a lot as we enjoyed our old haunts. Mark, our son and his daughter Roslyn joined us in July for a few days at Decorah about Nordic Fest time so that was a lot of fun.

Verla continues her passion of quilting by making and designing quilts for Lutheran World Relief and zooming with her buddies down at Zion Lutheran every Wed. morning for a few hours. Since Covid 19, they have not been willing to meet at church in fear of catching the dreaded disease.

Vince has been busy writing his third paper on the Eucharist. He has had an interest in the subject of Holy Communion for many years and the last paper is about the meaning of the words of institution and how they may be interpreted. So a literature review of two theologians who described the views of the patristic fathers up to the age of the reformers in Europe in the 1400 to 1500's was assessed and summarized in a paper to compile the views of learned people for two thousand years. It isn't exhaustive but is a snapshot view of what Christians have thought and recorded for many years. If any of you are interested I can send you an e-mail copy of what I found. It is entitled: THE EUCHARIST: IGNATIUS TO ZWINGLI.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year,

Vince and Verla