December 16, 1987
Dear __________
On a Saturday about 3 weeks ago, we stood in a cold, wet rain eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the King of Norway as he drove through the streets of Decorah. The thought has struck me: do we wait as eagerly now as, we approach the celebration of the birth of the King of Kings! May your Celebration be especially meaningful to you (and to us) this joyful season.
Just a brief summary of where our kids are: well, come to think of it, it will be brief. They are all still where they were last year. Maybe by next year there will be a couple of changes. We visited Dawn and Bob and Heather in Charleston, S.C. last March, and we made a short trip to L.A. to see Arik this fall. It's fun to be able to see them in your mind instead of just imagining what their homes are like, etc. We have been to Mark and Amy's a couple of times at Champaign, and see Jené oftener - she's the closest and is enjoying her college work.
Guess August was both the saddest and the "gladdest" month. Vince's brother Lyle died from lunq cancer - he had fouqht it bravely for 2 1/2 years. Fortunately, we had been to Salt Lake in July to see Lyle and Exene, and Linda and family and had some good visits. We flew out for his memorial service August 17-18.
And then the following weekend drove to Windom to help my folks celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. We made it a Blakey reunion and all of the folks' descendants were there, includinq 15 qrandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. We spent most of Saturday together visiting and eating, and eating and visiting. On Sunday, we filled 4 pews at morning worship, and at noon nearly filled an upper room of a restaurant where Dad treated us to dinner. In the afternoon, the folks greeted 160 friends and relatives at an Open House. My only reqret is that the weekend went too fast, and the time for visiting was too short. Next time we will have to add another day. Shall we plan it for their 65th or 70th? It really was such fun!
Merry Christmas,
This blog contains copies of Christmas letters beginning in 1962 written by my mother, Verla (Blakey) Williams. They contain a wealth of family history and are included as a sidelight to the genealogy blogs listed in the blog roll.
Verla Williams

Showing posts with label Linda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linda. Show all posts
Monday, April 4, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
16 December 1984
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This letter is being written as we drive along the Interstate between Champaign, Ill. and Iowa City. We spent the weekend with Mark and Amy. They are both back in school at the University of Illinois - Amy working on a master's and Mark on his doctorate. (We did enjoy seeing Mark in several shows during their stay in Chicago, but for several reasons they decided to make the move.)
Dawn and Bob were here for Thanksgiving, bringing little Heather Marie. It was the first time Vince had seen his granddaughter (I had been out to Alexandria in Sept. when she and Dawn came home from the hospital). Mark and Amy came to meet her, too, as did my folks. Jené was home so the only one of the immediate family who hasn't met her is Arik. It was a fun week!
Arik moved to Calif. in September - he is living in N. Hollywood, working for a moving company - establishing residency, I think. He will be flying in tomorrow night to spend the holidays here. He didn't take his car so plans to drive it back there this time.
Jené is in her first year at Univ. of Northern Iowa at Cedar Falls. It is 1ess than a 2-hour drive but she has been home only a couple of times, besides Thanksgiving. It sounds like she is enjoying college!
We have had some fun trips this year - besides our 3 or 4 trips into Chicago. We went to Dallas last March for a dental meeting - had supper one evening with my niece, Lez, her husband and family. Another niece, Lisa and her husband were there, too. They both live in Dallas suburbs. Another afternoon we visited fast and furiously with Eleanor Bynoe. She has now gotten her master's from South Western Baptist Seminary, Ft. Worth, and at present is seeking a job. It was interesting to hear her appreciation of Pres. Reagan's action in Grenada: "The support from the U.S. is our security!"
In July we drove out to Salt Lake City to visit Lyle and Exene (Vince's bro. and wife) and Linda (Vince's niece) and Steve and their boys. It had been years since we had been there. We drove home via Denver and spent July 4 with my brother Gordon and his family. Met a nephew-in-law, and a grand niece and nephew, too - it had been awhile since we'd seen them, too.
The following weeek was spent at a lake in Mn. with my 2 sisters and their families. Dawn and Bob flew in to join us for that week - a good time was had by all (in spite of Mn.'s state bird, the mosquito). We drove to Windom from the lake to attend my high school class reunion. It is always fun to compare notes at those affairs.
The annual Nordic Fest in Decorah, my trip to Wash., D.C. in Sept. and a weekend to Windom in October completed our travels for the year. We were hoping the Hawks would give us a trip to the Rose Bowl, but their last couple of games were disappointing. They are going to the Freedom Bowl at Anaheim, but the day after Christmas doesn't work out well.
Weather permitting, we will be in Mankato for Christmas Eve and Day. If today's weather keeps up, it would be no problem - it is 60, bright and sunshiny! We have had a couple slight snowfalls, nothing lasting so far.
Though we pray for "peace on earth, good will to men," Christ only promises us His peace within, available in the midst of any earthly circumstance. May that peace be ours this Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This letter is being written as we drive along the Interstate between Champaign, Ill. and Iowa City. We spent the weekend with Mark and Amy. They are both back in school at the University of Illinois - Amy working on a master's and Mark on his doctorate. (We did enjoy seeing Mark in several shows during their stay in Chicago, but for several reasons they decided to make the move.)
Dawn and Bob were here for Thanksgiving, bringing little Heather Marie. It was the first time Vince had seen his granddaughter (I had been out to Alexandria in Sept. when she and Dawn came home from the hospital). Mark and Amy came to meet her, too, as did my folks. Jené was home so the only one of the immediate family who hasn't met her is Arik. It was a fun week!
Arik moved to Calif. in September - he is living in N. Hollywood, working for a moving company - establishing residency, I think. He will be flying in tomorrow night to spend the holidays here. He didn't take his car so plans to drive it back there this time.
Jené is in her first year at Univ. of Northern Iowa at Cedar Falls. It is 1ess than a 2-hour drive but she has been home only a couple of times, besides Thanksgiving. It sounds like she is enjoying college!
We have had some fun trips this year - besides our 3 or 4 trips into Chicago. We went to Dallas last March for a dental meeting - had supper one evening with my niece, Lez, her husband and family. Another niece, Lisa and her husband were there, too. They both live in Dallas suburbs. Another afternoon we visited fast and furiously with Eleanor Bynoe. She has now gotten her master's from South Western Baptist Seminary, Ft. Worth, and at present is seeking a job. It was interesting to hear her appreciation of Pres. Reagan's action in Grenada: "The support from the U.S. is our security!"
In July we drove out to Salt Lake City to visit Lyle and Exene (Vince's bro. and wife) and Linda (Vince's niece) and Steve and their boys. It had been years since we had been there. We drove home via Denver and spent July 4 with my brother Gordon and his family. Met a nephew-in-law, and a grand niece and nephew, too - it had been awhile since we'd seen them, too.
The following weeek was spent at a lake in Mn. with my 2 sisters and their families. Dawn and Bob flew in to join us for that week - a good time was had by all (in spite of Mn.'s state bird, the mosquito). We drove to Windom from the lake to attend my high school class reunion. It is always fun to compare notes at those affairs.
The annual Nordic Fest in Decorah, my trip to Wash., D.C. in Sept. and a weekend to Windom in October completed our travels for the year. We were hoping the Hawks would give us a trip to the Rose Bowl, but their last couple of games were disappointing. They are going to the Freedom Bowl at Anaheim, but the day after Christmas doesn't work out well.
Weather permitting, we will be in Mankato for Christmas Eve and Day. If today's weather keeps up, it would be no problem - it is 60, bright and sunshiny! We have had a couple slight snowfalls, nothing lasting so far.
Though we pray for "peace on earth, good will to men," Christ only promises us His peace within, available in the midst of any earthly circumstance. May that peace be ours this Christmas!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas to you, you, you, you! That's our greeting to you in the voice of Jene as she sits on the davenport, sings and bounces her head!
Another year has come and gone and all too quickly. We seem to be as busy as always, only with a few different jobs. I'm principal of the Wednesday Church School this year, and so every Wednesday morning, Arik, Jene and I rush off to church. (Jené stays in the nursery with another little girl whose mother teaches.) We have two dozen energetic and eager three and four year olds who are busy learning Christmas songs. Our group is not in a Christmas program or service but we have invited our mothers to come next Wednesday to our birthday party for Jesus, so we will sing for them then.
Dawn is in sixth grade and Mark is in fifth grade - both of them enjoy school. Mark has started playing basketball. He had a game the other night during the half of the sophomore game. He loves sports and bemoans the fact that he is so small. Maybe his interest in music will win out-he likes piano and does real well. Dawn is getting to be real good at the piano. She is in sixth grade band, but I don't hear her practicing her flute very often. Both of them are in Scouts and in the church choir - too much doing too much of the time! Arik, 4, and Jené, 2, keep busy just keeping busy! Mark and Dawn were asked to sing at the Birthday Party for the Retirement Center last week. Arik and Jené sang with them - at least they stood up there and pretended. All four are real hams and love to perform!
And of course, Vince is like us and the rest of the world - busy, too. He isn't teaching Bethel this year, but he is teaching in the High School Bible Department and enjoys it. The principal is terrific! Vince has 10th grade boys and sometimes wonders if he gets to them at all. He sings in the choir yet, and with his practice and his dental meetings, etc., fishing and hunting some, his time is occupied. His mother is not too well and so we've tried to do what we can to be of help to his folks.
We thought, and perhaps with some envy, of the Bethel teachers and the marvelous tour they took in November. We had originally signed up to go on the Holy Land Tour, but when the final definite decision had to be made, we were faced with new challenges and so withdrew. By next year perhaps I will be able to tell you about "our trip" which we will, by then, have taken.
Our trips this year have been short and sweet - Vince took two jaunts to Canada for some fishing, one week in June (when I took the kids and went to visit my folks on the farm) and the other over Labor Day weekend. I had told him he couldn't go in September because he wouldn't be home for our anniversary; in his absence he sent me a dozen roses! We spent a week at Heruth's cottage on Gull Lake in August and really enjoyed a leisurely rest. Dawn, Mark and Arik had such fun! (Jené stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Blakey.) My sister, Sharon, was married the end of June so we were to Windom for that. Pam, my other sister, and I were both in the wedding party as was my brother Averland. My other brother was an usher, Vince was the soloist, Dawn was a gift runner.
Pam moved to Decorah about ten days before the wedding and started working at Luther College - it is fun to have her here. She has a small apartment on the West Side, but drops in every once in a while. She is handy when we need a sitter.
To get back to our trips - we attended the annual State Meeting in Des Moines, and the annual homecoming football game in Iowa City. We enjoyed visiting with the Dresslhaus', home from Venezuela this summer and hope to see them again before they go back. We looked for the Cahalans from Des Moines but missed them (or they missed us). Would it ever be fun to have the Mitchells from Ohio, The Thomas' from Massachusetts or the Daniels' from Houston come this way. We haven't seen them in a long, long time!
Our family has really grown this year - no, no new little ones, but we did acquire a new brother-in-law. And Vince's two nieces were both married this year: Linda in early spring, and Lanita this fall, so you see we have two new nephews-in-law.
May Christ's Peace be yours this Christmas!
As ever,
Another year has come and gone and all too quickly. We seem to be as busy as always, only with a few different jobs. I'm principal of the Wednesday Church School this year, and so every Wednesday morning, Arik, Jene and I rush off to church. (Jené stays in the nursery with another little girl whose mother teaches.) We have two dozen energetic and eager three and four year olds who are busy learning Christmas songs. Our group is not in a Christmas program or service but we have invited our mothers to come next Wednesday to our birthday party for Jesus, so we will sing for them then.
Dawn is in sixth grade and Mark is in fifth grade - both of them enjoy school. Mark has started playing basketball. He had a game the other night during the half of the sophomore game. He loves sports and bemoans the fact that he is so small. Maybe his interest in music will win out-he likes piano and does real well. Dawn is getting to be real good at the piano. She is in sixth grade band, but I don't hear her practicing her flute very often. Both of them are in Scouts and in the church choir - too much doing too much of the time! Arik, 4, and Jené, 2, keep busy just keeping busy! Mark and Dawn were asked to sing at the Birthday Party for the Retirement Center last week. Arik and Jené sang with them - at least they stood up there and pretended. All four are real hams and love to perform!
And of course, Vince is like us and the rest of the world - busy, too. He isn't teaching Bethel this year, but he is teaching in the High School Bible Department and enjoys it. The principal is terrific! Vince has 10th grade boys and sometimes wonders if he gets to them at all. He sings in the choir yet, and with his practice and his dental meetings, etc., fishing and hunting some, his time is occupied. His mother is not too well and so we've tried to do what we can to be of help to his folks.
We thought, and perhaps with some envy, of the Bethel teachers and the marvelous tour they took in November. We had originally signed up to go on the Holy Land Tour, but when the final definite decision had to be made, we were faced with new challenges and so withdrew. By next year perhaps I will be able to tell you about "our trip" which we will, by then, have taken.
Our trips this year have been short and sweet - Vince took two jaunts to Canada for some fishing, one week in June (when I took the kids and went to visit my folks on the farm) and the other over Labor Day weekend. I had told him he couldn't go in September because he wouldn't be home for our anniversary; in his absence he sent me a dozen roses! We spent a week at Heruth's cottage on Gull Lake in August and really enjoyed a leisurely rest. Dawn, Mark and Arik had such fun! (Jené stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Blakey.) My sister, Sharon, was married the end of June so we were to Windom for that. Pam, my other sister, and I were both in the wedding party as was my brother Averland. My other brother was an usher, Vince was the soloist, Dawn was a gift runner.
Pam moved to Decorah about ten days before the wedding and started working at Luther College - it is fun to have her here. She has a small apartment on the West Side, but drops in every once in a while. She is handy when we need a sitter.
To get back to our trips - we attended the annual State Meeting in Des Moines, and the annual homecoming football game in Iowa City. We enjoyed visiting with the Dresslhaus', home from Venezuela this summer and hope to see them again before they go back. We looked for the Cahalans from Des Moines but missed them (or they missed us). Would it ever be fun to have the Mitchells from Ohio, The Thomas' from Massachusetts or the Daniels' from Houston come this way. We haven't seen them in a long, long time!
Our family has really grown this year - no, no new little ones, but we did acquire a new brother-in-law. And Vince's two nieces were both married this year: Linda in early spring, and Lanita this fall, so you see we have two new nephews-in-law.
May Christ's Peace be yours this Christmas!
As ever,
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