Showing posts with label Grandpa Blakey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grandpa Blakey. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"For unto you is born this day
in the city of David
a Savior who is CHRIST the LORD!"

16 December 1996

Dear __________

We wish you God's richest blessing in this Christmas season!

There have been events and changes in our lives this year just closing. Our children are all in the same places, and we have been able to visit them briefly. We tacked March's Spring Break onto a Dental trip to San Francisco, and visited Mark in Carson City, NV and Arik in Portland, OR. We took a day trip while in Portland to visit our good friends, the Molines in Philomath, OR.

We spent some time in Centreville, VA with Dawn and her family the first part of July. We decided to watch the Fourth of July festivities of D.C. on the television, rather than brave the crowds and traffic. Dawn took us to Gettysburg, PA one day - that was an interesting historical trip. Jené, John and BrandiAnne are here in Iowa City, and we enjoy seeing them more frequently.

The first weekend in August we went back to Carson City, to see Mark as Professor Harold Hill in The Music Man. That was at an outdoor theatre on the north end of Lake Tahoe, and gets chilly (cold?) in the evenings in August. But it was a fun production to see!

I had one day home from that, when I drove to Minneapolis to accompany Mom on a flight to Denver to visit my brother and his families. (Five of his kids live in the Denver area.) His daughter and family from Texas were there and Mom thought it was a good chance to see some great grandchildren she hadn't yet seen. We had a good time visiting all of them.

My dad died in July, a couple of months shy of his 94th birthday, and a month shy of his and Mom's 69th wedding anniversary. He said several times in the last couple of years that life was getting harder to live - the body just didn't work as well. But they were able to stay on the farm until just a year ago August, when they moved to an apartment. Mom is happy to be there and keeps busy. The apartment complex offers assisted living for those who need it. Mom, however, still drives her car and maintains her independence.

Vince and I are both well. Vince is now on phased retirement, and works 3 days a week. He enjoys his Mondays and Fridays off. He is hoping to take early retirement the end of next year.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


December 1995

Dear ones,

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Isn't it great to hear the Christmas carols on the radio, on the TV, or even in the shopping malls? It helps remind us of the miraculous birth of the Son of God which is the whole reason for the season.

This is the annual report for some of you who usually only hear from us this once-a-year:

We haven't made any really long trips. Going to San Antonio for the annual dental research meeting in March was fun. We walked the River Walk, toured the Alamo, and ate the good Mexican food. And to Centreville, VA to see Dawn and her family over New Year's was a good time. Dawn had arranged for us an invitation to a plantation for a party - that was neat. Other than that, we have mostly traveled to Decorah or to Windom.

We still have the apartment in Decorah and Vince loves to go up there and catch those trout. He also cooks them and they are really good. We went up in October to see the King and Queen of Norway - we even had dinner with them. They didn't know we were there, of course. But it was a lot of fun. The King in his greeting at the convocation at Luther College said he heard that that area of Iowa is called Little Switzerland, and that is all right - Switzerland is a beautiful country; but he thought it could also be properly called Little Norway. He received a resounding round of applause.

My parents decided it was time to get off the farm and into town. They couldn't find an apartment in Windom, so they moved to one in Jackson. They were born, raised, married in Jackson County, so it wasn't a "foreign" move. They are liking it, though Dad says it isn't home.

We had a good vacation at a resort in northern Minnesota which we have been to every now and then as our children were growing up. And they all joined us for that week in June - there were 15 of us (my sister Pam and Ryan and Joshua were with us) and such a gathering around the table that was. We took turns preparing the meals. The week was really hot so was good to be at a lake. Dalen and Sharon stopped by for a day with Dalen's boat; so a lot of water skiing was done that day. One day we rented a jet ski, and most everyone had fun on that! And of course, we had to go to Paul Bunyanland one day - the kids (big and little) had a good time, riding all the rides. It was the first time that we were all together in six years. We are told the kids want to do it again, only maybe in three years, so they must have enjoyed it, too.

BrandiAnne Daub joined our family in July being born to Jené and John. It is such fun to have them living so close - we get a chance to spoil her properly. Now we look forward to having my sisters and families and Mom and Dad visit us over Christmas!

Season's Greetings,

Sunday, April 10, 2011


December 1993

Time does fly when you're having fun (or is it when you're getting old?)! Another year has flown by; there have been no great changes in our lives this past year.

Our "kids" are all still in the same places: Arik and Miranda are in Los Angeles, but are beginning to think abou living some place else. They entertained us royally this past summer when we spent 3-4 days with them - saw the Crystal Cathedral, heard the Los Angeles Symphony in the Hollywood Bowl, and ate at several of Arik's favorite places.

Mark lives in Carson City, NV and really likes the area. He is back to teaching voice and doing some performing. We were lucky enough to see him in
Pirates of Penzance at an outdoor theater at Lake Tahoe - it was cool enough so we huddled under blankets to keep warm. He also took us to Virginia City to see the old silver mining town!

Dawn and Jené are still in Guam, both getting anxious to live in the states again. And by next summer, they will. Jené and John are in their fifth year of teaching - whoever thought they would stay there that long? John enjoys being head wrestling coach at George Washington High School in addition to his teaching, and Jené is a special ed. coordinator (I think) spending time at 2 different schools.

Dawn and Bob are in their final year of the tour of duty on Guam. Bob became CO of his squadron in June - so his parents, Vince and I, and Jan, (a real good friend of Dawn's) all journeyed to Guam for the ceremony. It was really neat! To see the entire squadron in their dress whites standing at attention, to hear those who were to be on the platform being piped "aboard" and to hear a Navy band playing - Wow!

Vince had an especially good time - Dawn arranged for Bob, Bob's dad, and Vince a deep sea fishing trip as a Father's Day gift. Vince caught a 50-pound, 56-inch mahi mahi - he said it took an half hour to get it in, and his arms hurt for three days. But he also had a smile on his face for at least three days. Fun!

Dawn, Heather and Andy visited here in September - Dawn wanted to surprise her dad on his 60th birthday; but we aren't sure he was really surprised. My folks, my sisters Pam and Sharon, and their families came down to spend Labor Day weekend.

We have a new tourist attraction here: the erosion done by the flood waters going over the spillway at the Coralville Dam has created a geological masterpiece, eroding down to rock bed, revealing fossils from years ago. We had no personal flood damage; some had flood waters in their homes for weeks, basement walls caving in, or appliances, carpets, furniture, walls all destroyed. Horrible!

May your observance of the birth of the Christ Child bring you much peace and joy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


December 1992

Merry Christmas!

Another year, another letter - we've enjoyed the cards and letters we have received thus far, so here goes:

The packages hae been mailed to Guam. Yes, the girls are both still there, though if they get many more typhoons, Jené and John may decide to come back to the states. Those storms are scary; maybe it's more the anticipation as they listen for or watch its approach. This is the 4th year John and Jené have been teaching there and they enjoy most of it. John is head wrestling coach as well as business teacher at Geo. Washington H.S. This year Jené has a desk job (pushing papers, she says) still in Special Education - the stresses have only changed. They think now they will stay one more year since Dawn and Bob will be there that long.

Bob will become CO [Commanding Officer] of the Squadron next June. We have been invited to come over for that ceremony, so we might try to visit Guam again. Dawn keeps busy - she is home-schooling Heather (age 8) again. Andy (nearly 5) is going to Pre-school, but he says he'd just as soon stay home for his schooling, too.

Dawn, Heather and Andy were here with us in May while Bob was taking care of some schooling. We had such fun - the house got too quiet when they left on the 30th to meet Bob in LA and fly out to Guam.

We still chuckle when we think about Andy: one day Vince lightly reprimanded him at the breakfast table for dropping (or throwing?) food on the floor. Sensitive Andy sat quietly and soberly considered that for several seconds and then quietly said, "Some day I'm going to be big, Grandpa."

John and Jené came to spend (John's sister was getting married in August) the summer here and with John's family and friends in the Mason City area. They went with us on a drive around the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. That is a pretty part of the country!

The packages are ready to be mailed to the boys. Arik has stayed put in LA, well no, he did move to a different apartment but just across the courtyard.

Mark went to Tehachapi, CA for a summer job with a publishing company. The publishing company offered him a full time job if he would move to Carson City, NV. - he decided to make the move. He enjoys the beauty of the mountains and is looking forward to the skiing.

There were a few other happenings during the year:

Feb. - a dental trip to Chicago. There we renewed friendships with Dr. Paul Thomas whom we hadn't seen since we left the Air Force in Harlingen, TX in 1960. That was fun!

Mar. - a dental trip to Boston, also heard the Boston Symphony.

July - a short genealogical trip to Madison, and Portage Co., Wis.

Aug. - a weekend in Windom, quietly observing the folk's 65th Wedding Anniversary. [Then] a week in Rochester while Mom had open heart surgery at St. Mary's She said at Thanksgiving when we were there that she is finally beginning to feel like herself again.

Sept. - back to Windom for Labor Day weekend for Dad's 90th Birthday Bash. Eleven of his fifteen grandchildren and four of his 10 great grandchildren were there plus all us "kids" and out spouses.

The usual football games, a few concerts, Nordic Fest, Sander family reunion, monthly circle and book club meetings all keep us out of mischief.

In all this busyness, may we never forget the reason why we are celebrating what our "politically correct" school system calls Winter Holiday, but what we know is really the Birth of our Savior!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


December 1990

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas greetings are beginning to arrive and we enjoy them all - it is so good to keep in touch.

In fact, this past year could be summarized by our various 'visits':

In January, Willis and Norma Wangsness came to visit and it was like old times in Decorah - we or they going across the street for a cup of coffee and chatter.

In February, and again in May, we made the trip to Decorah, visiting with relatives as we attended the funerals of cousins Fred Rosenthal and Arnold Hexom.

March was Vince's dental trip to Cincinnati - that gave me a chance to visit with Charlotte Lee, who drove down from Dayton (What a friend!) each day to help me sight see, and to talk. It was so much fun!

Vince took his annual fishing trip in May, so I trekked off to Windom to visit my folks, and other relatives. That's getting to be a tradition and fun to have more time than just a weekend.

Jené and John came from Guam in June for a 6-week visit. Trying to see both parents, all their friends, and other relatives kept them on the run. It was good to see them and to hear about their teaching experiences. While they were up at John's folks, sis Sharon and her family and we drove a rented RV out to the East Coast. My, what visiting went on day and night. We were typical tourists trying to see way too much in too short a time. We glimpsed D.C., Phillie, Cape Cod, Boston, some of the Maine coastline, upper N.H., Vermont, N.Y., through Niagara Falls and back home, in some less than 2 weeks.

Jené and John had met Arik and Miranda at the airport, so they were all at the house when we got back (this was July 5). We repacked, and loaded 2 cars and headed for a few days at the Minnesota resort we have gone to since the kids were little. There we had time to lay around, fish a little, swim a little, read a little, and visit through it all. But Arik and Miranda only had a week, so it was back to L.A. for them.

We went to the Nordic Fest the end of July - that's a given - but this time we went via Minneapolis. John and Jené flew out from there back to Guam on Saturday morning, so we saw them off before going to Decorah.

Mark spent the summer in a little town in the mountains near Denver doing theater. He loved the mountain scenery and showed us around when Sharon and I flew out for a weekend. We also got to see all three of the plays he was in, a different one each night. And we included in the visit a few hours with brother Gordon and Shirley and some of their family.

I also went to Windom in August, this time to share in Mom's birthday observance. Both my sisters were there, as well as cousins, so it was a good visit. (I forgot a weekend in June when we went to Windom for the All-Class Reunion. Over 30 from my class were there!)

Vince's brother Spence came to visit in September. He was here a few days, visited his daughter Lanita in Joliet, 1L. and his grandchildren, and spent time in Decorah, Calmar, Mason City. He even got to see the Iowa State (he grad. from there) Iowa football game while he was here. We made a trip to La Crosse, Wis. in September for the Romerike Stevne (a convention of descendants of immigrants from Romerike, Norway) and while there met and visited with Bob Moe, a 2nd cousin of Vince's who now lives in California but grew up in the Fort Dodge area. Doing family history brings new connections, and that is fun.

October brought some other visitors - Dawn, Heather and Andy came from Guam (Bob was too busy to get away). It had been over a year since we had seen them so we really enjoyed it. The kids have grown and changed: Andy talks a blue streak, giggles and laughs and enjoys life. Heather is getting to be a little lady, looks upon herself as Andy's protector (if he needs it). Dawn is 'home-schooling' her, so the daily lessons came along. They went out to PA to see Bob's folks, too; I'm sure the time was too short for them, too. They even got to see a bit of snow before they flew out of the Minneapolis airport the first part of November.

Now we are into Advent and eagerly listen for the telling of the visits of the Angels, the Shepherds, and the Wise Men as they and we worship and adore the Child whose birth we celebrate!

Monday, April 4, 2011


December 16, 1987

Dear __________

On a Saturday about 3 weeks ago, we stood in a cold, wet rain eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the King of Norway as he drove through the streets of Decorah. The thought has struck me: do we wait as eagerly now as, we approach the celebration of the birth of the King of Kings! May your Celebration be especially meaningful to you (and to us) this joyful season.

Just a brief summary of where our kids are: well, come to think of it, it will be brief. They are all still where they were last year. Maybe by next year there will be a couple of changes. We visited Dawn and Bob and Heather in Charleston, S.C. last March, and we made a short trip to L.A. to see Arik this fall. It's fun to be able to see them in your mind instead of just imagining what their homes are like, etc. We have been to Mark and Amy's a couple of times at Champaign, and see Jené oftener - she's the closest and is enjoying her college work.

Guess August was both the saddest and the "gladdest" month. Vince's brother Lyle died from lunq cancer - he had fouqht it bravely for 2 1/2 years. Fortunately, we had been to Salt Lake in July to see Lyle and Exene, and Linda and family and had some good visits. We flew out for his memorial service August 17-18.

And then the following weekend drove to Windom to help my folks celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. We made it a Blakey reunion and all of the folks' descendants were there, includinq 15 qrandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. We spent most of Saturday together visiting and eating, and eating and visiting. On Sunday, we filled 4 pews at morning worship, and at noon nearly filled an upper room of a restaurant where Dad treated us to dinner. In the afternoon, the folks greeted 160 friends and relatives at an Open House. My only reqret is that the weekend went too fast, and the time for visiting was too short. Next time we will have to add another day. Shall we plan it for their 65th or 70th? It really was such fun!

Merry Christmas,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


'Tis the twelfth of December, in '82 And my list is long, of things to do,
We've already enjoyed hearing from some; And eagerly wait for each mail to come.
So the first on my list to get done next, is the writing and mailing of this little text.

This year has been fun from start to end; it began with Vince really on the mend.
In February, we flew to Tucson, for his 'silver' dental class reunion.
Attended sessions, sat in the sun, remembered classes, faculty, fun;
Renewing friendships of days of yore, and mourning those who are with us no more.

In March, to New Orleans we flew, where Vince read a paper of facts that he knew
Concerning bridges and stresses of mastication, from his article deemed worthy of publication.
The French Quarter, Bourbon Street - sea food dinners, all really neat!

No trips in May, but two graduations, shared with a few of my relations.
Arik from high school his diploma received, with 300 classmates all much relieved.
Mark, from the U. his Master's complete, anxious now to sing for his 'bread and meat.'

I think that in June I just stayed at home. For eight weeks of theater, Mark left for Macomb.
And for his annual fishing excursion, Vince joined Spence on a Canada diversion.

Let me tell you about a jam-packed July. You won't believe it and neither do I.
Vince got home on the third, you know; and off to the Des Moines Airport we go
To meet Peggy, you remember her? She lived with us while attending Luther.
She's attending a Sem. in Ft. Worth; what visiting, giggling, reminisicing and mirth.

She, Vince, I, Dawn, and Jene drove down to Macomb on a Thursday
To see West Side Story, and "Tony" by Mark - such singing and acting, the trip was a lark.
Peg left for Texas, the week too fast ended, while we headed north for a vacation splendid.
Just sis Sharon, her family, Vince and me - a cabin, the lake shore, phone-and-schedule free.

But back to the rat race the following week: again to Macomb, the 'rising star' to seek.
Appearing this time in a supporting role; Once Upon a Mattress the name of the show.
Then to Decorah, the annual Nordic Fest; we stayed with Wangsnesses, accomdations the best.

Dawn got her Master's at U of NI; we surprised her and went - oh me, and oh my!
One more day of July yet to go - back to Macomb to see one more show.
Oklahoma! - it's "Curly" Mark was this time; his acting was good, his singing sublime.
We swam in the pool, stayed over night; met Amy, Mark's friend (I think she's Miss Right).

August has come and things quiet a mite - We took Dawn to C.R. for her Japanese flight.
She's teaching there on an army base - exciting happenings she's had to face.
Met her Mr. Right, married him too; such mysterious moves God only knew.
They'll be coming back to live in D.C., after blessing their civil vows in a church ceremony.

Amy was here to share our Thanksgiving; after Christmas with her, Mark will be living
In Chicago, that marvelous big city, where he hopes to be singing some little ditty.
Amy's moving there, too; she graduates now. A wedding there'll be. Together somehow
They'll interview, audition, and struggle along - she writing an ad, he singing a song.

Still home in the nest is Arik who cooks - he's working full time, saving money for books,
Tuition, room and board, college next fall (too bad he's not good at some kind of ball).

Jené is a junior, studies real hard, in order that her 3 pt. will not be marred.
A special ed. degree she hopes to pursue, to help others who have special needs, too.

We were up home in August, the folks 55th; and back there in September for Dad's 80th.
They'll be coming this way for Christmas this year. We'll all be at Pam's for the Day of good cheer.

Vince's mother still lives, though a year ago now, the dr. had almost given up, but somehow,
She survived the pneumonia, the new broken hip; celebrated her 90th with a smile on her lip.
We visit her often to talk, and of course, with Vince it is likely to be in Old Norse.

Before I stop, just a word not in jest: How about them Hawks? Aren't they the best?
So Christmas is coming with all of its joys, the glittering lights, the jubilant noise.
May God give you His peace, only this season can bring, As we worship together

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S A N D H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !

Monday, March 28, 2011


Monday, 15 December

Merry Christmas!

As I write this, I try to picture those of you who haven't heard from us since last year, and to think of what you might want to hear.

Vince finished his specialty degree in May - he is now a Fixed (Crowns and Bridges) Prosthodontist. However, he is still teaching in the Family Practice Dept.; he does enjoy his work and is glad all the book work is done.

Dawn is in her third year of teaching third graders at Osage, Ia. She sent out her own cards this year, but for those of you who didn't hear from her - she made her first large purchase, a 1980 Ford Fairmont. She is working on her Master's, in Education, going to summer school and night classes. She has about half of her hours. She has been looking for a Kindergarten teaching job - she wants to teach them before she goes on to teaching at college level, or whatever.

Mark graduated from Luther in May. He is also in grad. school working on his Master's in vocal performance here at Iowa, and living with us. That's a change - for him as well as for us. We are enjoying it.

Arik is a junior in high school - enjoys band; sings in sr. choir at church with his dad; has a part-time job.

Jené is a freshman (freshwoman?) - a cheerleader; sings in Swing Choir, and in church choir; does a little baby sitting; and thinks, talks, dreams boys.

I have been taking a couple of courses at the U. this semester. The German final is tonight, and the British History final is Wed. a.m. I found out a few things - (about German and Br. Hist. to be sure) I can do it, if the need arises; I don't want to spend my time taking courses; I'm getting back to working on family history.

We vacationed with my sisters and their families in June in the Missouri Ozarks - we had a good time! Vince went fishing in Canada in July - Jené and I, Mom and Dad did some visiting, in N. Minn. and Wisc., of cousins, some of whom we had never met. That's one of the fun things about doing family history - renewing or making new acquaintances. Some I've only written to, and have not yet met - but someday...

The Nordic Fest was again on our itinerary - I hear next year there will be a Johnson cousin reunion during the Fest. We visited friends and relatives in Decorah in October and my sister in Mpls. in November. Now we are looking forward to having my folks, my sisters and families (some year we will get my brother and family in on that) with us for the Holidays.

Vince's mom has been in a Nursing Home here in Iowa City since March when she broke her leg again. She is lonesome for Decorah, and wants to get back. With needing regular dr. checks on her leg, it has been handier to have her here.

God's blessings to you!


Vince and Verla, Mark, Arik and Jené

25 January [1981]

To facilitate answering all who wrote to Lillie during the holiday season, I resort to copies. Lillie was in the hospital over Christmas, released the Monday following, and readmitted a week later. The Dr. gave her about a week to live. But she's a plucky Norwegian and fooled him. Yesterday we took her back to Beverly Manor. She does have congestive heart failure, so her long term prognosis is not good; but the Dr. has her medicine regulated as good as he can, and she feels alot better.

She appreciated hearing from you. She was able to read the letters written with a felt tip marker, and the others we read to her. Please know that she wishes she could answer each of you!

Thank you for remembering her.

As ever,

Vince and Verla

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Dear ones,

Time marches on! But as our student pastor said in his sermon at the Advent service last Wednesday, history belongs to God. So it is that 'His story' which we hear anew especially at this season is the basic foundation of all history, the promise of the past, the fulfillment in Jesus' birth, and the hope for the future. Praise God!

December is chock full of so many fun things. We started it by driving up to Decorah to hear an 800-voice choir sing the Messiah. Mark was one of the soloists, so that added to the excitement and thrill. We drove back there on the 4th, to hear Mark's senior voice recital - he did a good job. He has studied and practiced hard and has noticeably improved his voice (and his stage presence). Dawn drove over from Osage (where she thoroughly enjoys teaching third graders) for both those performances so we had a chance to visit with her, too. They will both be here for the holidays.

Sunday Jene went with us to see and hear "Cocoa and Carols" presented by the Old Gold Singers, the University swing choir. It was colorful, bright, cheerful and musically enjoyable. This Saturday is the Christmas smorgasbord for our Norse club. That's always fun - lutefisk and lefse, krumkaka and sandbakkels, søt suppe - doesn't all that sound delicious?!

We are looking forward to having my 2 sisters and their families and my folks here for Christmas. So I've added leaves to the table, and rented a couple of play pens. After vacationing together we have found out it is better for everyone if the little ones have a definite place to nap.

Our younger 2 are growing up and away. Arik is 15, looking forward to his next birthday and wheels, of some kind, of his own. He also thinks he will be the biggest one in the family and he very well may be. He is a sophomore, so is beginning to think about college and/or career. Jene is a giggly 13-yr. old, in 8th grade and very aware of boys. She is a cheer leader, takes piano lessons, is in church choir and sr. catechism class. So she doesn't lack for things to do.

I've done some fun things this year - went with the folks, my 2 sisters and their kids, out to Denver in May to visit my brother and his family - three days out, three days there, three days back was some trip. That's such a pretty place - they can see the mountains out their living room window.

In July, we went up to Windom for my class reunion. I enjoyed it in spite of the ambivalent feelings it gave me. To see people who were part of your life such a long time ago, is both fun and a little eerie. We also went to Decorah in July for the Nordic Fest. Big crowds, much visiting.

Vince is on the downward side of the hill as far as his studying. He gets his specialty degree in May, has written and defended his thesis, and will advance from instructor to assistant professor. The students have learned if they don't want a "picky" dentist checking their work, they ask someone else. They likewise have learned he will see that they get it done right. He will be happy to be done with the classwork for awhile, but I'm sure he will always be studying something.

I even studied some this fall. Well, I didn't study much but I went to an 8-week sourse in Genealogy. You should see Vince try to be interested when I tell him about finding the death of 7 great-grand-parents in the Jackson Co. Minn court house and the 8th one in the Court House at Windom. You either really like that stuff or you really don't. And I don't know very many married couples who both really do.

Better get this to the printer and in the mail.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, March 25, 2011



Sitting here in our family room, I look out at the snow-covered hills across the valley, and watch the neighbor's sheep peacefully grazing in the pasture. Once in a while a car drives across the road on the ridge, silhouetted against the horizon. Our house is about 3 miles from Iowa City on the northeast side, situated on almost two acres of land. That's only one of the changes our family has had this past year.

Living in the country instead of on main street "2 blocks from anything" is a big change. Arik and Jené having to ride the school bus instead of their bikes is a big change. Vince being an instructor in the Dental College instead of being a family practioner is a big change. However, he teaches in the Family Practice Dept., helping the Sr. dental students learn the ins-&-outs, and the ups-&-downs of being family practioners themselves.

Having Mark and Dawn feel like they're coming to visit instead of coming home is a big change. I suppose Decorah still will be their 'home' for a long time. In fact, Mark is at Luther this year, a sophomore, so he really feels he's home. Dawn is a Sr. at UNI, with only her practice-teaching left before she graduates. She is so excited about starting her teaching career.

Having Vince doing his homework most every evening because he's a student (parttime) again is a change. He is working toward his master's degree, a specialty in Fixed Prosthetics (Crown & Bridge). Having to check the yellow pages and then the city map most every time I need a different service is a big change - but I suppose if we live here as long as we lived in Decorah, I'll know my way around here, too.

Being able to go to all of Iowa's home football games instead of just the homecoming one is a big change. Being able to attend concerts by the Stradivari Quartet at the drop of a hat is a big change. I imagine even that will grow commonplace.

But not all things change - Arik and Jené are much the same - oh, a year older and some days a year smarter. Arik is in 8th grade at Central Jr. High, a drummer in the Band; in Jr. Hi church choir and Jr. Confirmation; all that plus riding his motor cycle fills his days. Jené is in 6th grade, a violinist in the Orchestra, and in church choir. They are fortunate that a couple of other families in this area have kids their ages.

The move and all it entailed has seemed to occupy most of our time this past year. Jené was thrilled when 2 days after we moved we drove into Des Moines for the Donny and Marie show - it was good! Then the first part of August we stayed a weekend at Okoboji for Vince's 20-yr. Dental Class Reunion. That was fun! And toward the end of August, we drove up to Windom to help my folks celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary - we had a really good time!

We've just enjoyed having Mark and Dawn share Thanksgiving with us. My sister Pam and her husband were here too - they live in Grinnell, now. Dawn and Mark will be here for Christmas, as well as my folks, my sisters and their families, and Vince's mom. Doesn't that sound like fun!

We wish for you all of Christmas' blessings!

Merry Christmas,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear friend,

The disappointment I feel when I open a card without some note of news from the sender prods me to again dig out my typewriter and set down this discourse.

Looking back over our oversized calendar, this has been a year of much activity - I hope some of it meaningful. There have been several highlights:

In January, our family (we took the kids out of school) spent 2 weeks in southern Texas, basking in the sun, running on the beach, a trip across the border to Mexico and visiting old (of long standing) friends from when Vince was stationed in Harlingen. That was fun!

May was interesting - we helped Vince's folks celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary by having a small open house here for their friends and relatives. (Things have been up and down for them thru-out the year. They moved in November from the Retirement Center to the Eastern Star Retirement Home. Lillie fell about a week ago and broke her leg, so right now she is in the hospital.)

Also in May, Peggy graduated from Luther College. We had another Open House to honor her, and such a crew of friends and faculty that came to wish her well. Right now she is back at home in Anguilla, but anticipates coming back sometime.

In July, we went to Windom for a weekend for my class reunion - the 25th (could it be?) I really enjoyed that - seeing some classmates I hadn't seen for years and years. Another week was spent at Windom during July, helping Mom with the chores while Dad was in the hospital for a short stay. It was kind of fun again - feeding the hogs, the chickens, the sheep, etc. You can take the girl off the farm but you never quite get the farm out of the girl.

Vince had his usual trips - dental meetings, etc. He spent a week in N. Minn. in June, catching the big ones, mostly northerns. And the Labor Day weekend in Canada trying for more. He spent this past Friday and Saturday at the university of Minnesota attending a dental short course. Really good, he said.

An exciting and rewarding experience was ours in September when we were the host family for two visiting Japanese Christians, a venture of the Iowa District of the ALC. Our communication was painstakingly slow as we understood no Japanese, and they spoke little English. The night one of them asked to be shown the conveniences of my "kitchen room and my basement" was a real event. To explain the workings of our appliances, particularly the water softener, was as educational for me as for them.

The kids have been involved and busy - Dawn, a senior and Mark, a junior especially so. Mark was a member of the State Champion Cross Country team, and was thrilled. Both of them had parts in the Sr. High Drama Dept. production of Fiddler on the Roof and after 8 or 10 weeks of rehearsals, the entire cast did a terrific job. Dawn was one of the daughters, and Mark played the tailor.

Arik is in fifth grade and Jené in third and each busy in their own activities. Arik spent a night in the hospital after a hard bump on the head, but no dire consequences. Jené just keeps bubbling around, teasing everyone and earning their displeasure more often than not.

So we come again to the Advent season with its busy preparations. It's good I know that Christmas will come whether or not I get my cookies baked, my gifts wrapped or my cards sent. My, (and everyone's) preparedness comes from opening the heart's door to the Christ knocking there, whether it be the Christ born in the manger or the Christ wearing the victory crown coming to be with us forever.

Merry Christmas!

Vince, Verla, Dawn, Mark, Arik & Jené

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hey there!

Life has been full and exciting since I last sat down to compose such an epistle as this. With the sounds of tires spinning in the cold snow, Christmas carols from the radio or the stereo, Rudolph or the Grinch sounding forth from the TV and children's voices: "You know what I want, Mom?" or "I only want this, Mom," we move rapidly on towards that day of all days when our Savior and Lord was born. As we celebrate His birth again this year, may we each receive Him anew each day, and as we anxiously await His second coming, may we each day be prepared for its glory and its finality.

As we watch our children grow and mature, I'm not sure if they are keeping us young or helping us age - a little of both, I presume. Dawn is a sophomore, a cheerleader, in the band and in the chorus, in Youth Choir and Hi League at Church. She was confirmed last May. The boys are beginning to call at the door, but she still tells her dad he is her favorite.

Mark is a freshman, in band and chorus, Jr. Hi League and Confirmation Choir. He will be confirmed in the spring (I suppose). He went out for Cross Country, and will for Track - likes football and basketball but is too small, I guess. He has a morning paper route which makes him early to bed and early to rise, and a man of his own means.

Arik is in third grade, in Cub Scouts, and Children's Choir. He is taking piano lessons - likes to play but hates to practice.

Jené is in first grade, and likes school. She now reads me her bedtime stories.

There have been some changes and some additions around here. Vince has moved his dental office uptown where he is renting space. He has a nice 2-chair office and likes it. In nice weather, he rides his motorcycle (now has a Harley Davidson) or his bicycle. Now that it is colder he walks and carries his noon lunch with him.

The boys are each sleeping in what used to be an operatory downstairs. The waiting room will be a den - we are waiting for carpenters to put in a door. Dawn now has her own room and enjoys the solitude away from a noisy little "sis." Jené also has her own room with its purple shag rug and lilac walls. Those are the changes - now for the additions:

Ebony came to live with us last January. Sometimes she's man's best friend and sometimes man's worst nuisance. I'11 be glad when she gets over chewing - boots, mittens, stocking caps, pencils, ballpoint pens, magazine racks, woodwork, you name it. The kids have enjoyed her, especially Mark.

Last May, my sister Pam got married so we have a new brother-in-law, Bob Bergan. She still works at Luther, he is employed by Western Electric.

And when school started this fall, Peggy came to live with us. She is Jene's roommate, a junior at Luther and from Anguilla (the island we were at in 1969).

Another addition - to our church - a new pastor, Paul Christensen, a man of unending energy. He'll probably shake First Lutheran down to its very foundations.

My parents for the most part are quite well, I was home for a couple of days in the middle of a week a couple of weeks ago - without any of the children along. What a visit we had!

Vince's folks had to give up their apartment last summer and are now living at the Aase Haugen Home, about five miles outside of Decorah. Some days they are fairly content out there, some days not.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas to you, you, you, you! That's our greeting to you in the voice of Jene as she sits on the davenport, sings and bounces her head!

Another year has come and gone and all too quickly. We seem to be as busy as always, only with a few different jobs. I'm principal of the Wednesday Church School this year, and so every Wednesday morning, Arik, Jene and I rush off to church. (Jené stays in the nursery with another little girl whose mother teaches.) We have two dozen energetic and eager three and four year olds who are busy learning Christmas songs. Our group is not in a Christmas program or service but we have invited our mothers to come next Wednesday to our birthday party for Jesus, so we will sing for them then.

Dawn is in sixth grade and Mark is in fifth grade - both of them enjoy school. Mark has started playing basketball. He had a game the other night during the half of the sophomore game. He loves sports and bemoans the fact that he is so small. Maybe his interest in music will win out-he likes piano and does real well. Dawn is getting to be real good at the piano. She is in sixth grade band, but I don't hear her practicing her flute very often. Both of them are in Scouts and in the church choir - too much doing too much of the time! Arik, 4, and Jené, 2, keep busy just keeping busy! Mark and Dawn were asked to sing at the Birthday Party for the Retirement Center last week. Arik and Jené sang with them - at least they stood up there and pretended. All four are real hams and love to perform!

And of course, Vince is like us and the rest of the world - busy, too. He isn't teaching Bethel this year, but he is teaching in the High School Bible Department and enjoys it. The principal is terrific! Vince has 10th grade boys and sometimes wonders if he gets to them at all. He sings in the choir yet, and with his practice and his dental meetings, etc., fishing and hunting some, his time is occupied. His mother is not too well and so we've tried to do what we can to be of help to his folks.

We thought, and perhaps with some envy, of the Bethel teachers and the marvelous tour they took in November. We had originally signed up to go on the Holy Land Tour, but when the final definite decision had to be made, we were faced with new challenges and so withdrew. By next year perhaps I will be able to tell you about "our trip" which we will, by then, have taken.

Our trips this year have been short and sweet - Vince took two jaunts to Canada for some fishing, one week in June (when I took the kids and went to visit my folks on the farm) and the other over Labor Day weekend. I had told him he couldn't go in September because he wouldn't be home for our anniversary; in his absence he sent me a dozen roses! We spent a week at Heruth's cottage on Gull Lake in August and really enjoyed a leisurely rest. Dawn, Mark and Arik had such fun! (Jené stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Blakey.) My sister, Sharon, was married the end of June so we were to Windom for that. Pam, my other sister, and I were both in the wedding party as was my brother Averland. My other brother was an usher, Vince was the soloist, Dawn was a gift runner.

Pam moved to Decorah about ten days before the wedding and started working at Luther College - it is fun to have her here. She has a small apartment on the West Side, but drops in every once in a while. She is handy when we need a sitter.

To get back to our trips - we attended the annual State Meeting in Des Moines, and the annual homecoming football game in Iowa City. We enjoyed visiting with the Dresslhaus', home from Venezuela this summer and hope to see them again before they go back. We looked for the Cahalans from Des Moines but missed them (or they missed us). Would it ever be fun to have the Mitchells from Ohio, The Thomas' from Massachusetts or the Daniels' from Houston come this way. We haven't seen them in a long, long time!

Our family has really grown this year - no, no new little ones, but we did acquire a new brother-in-law. And Vince's two nieces were both married this year: Linda in early spring, and Lanita this fall, so you see we have two new nephews-in-law.

May Christ's Peace be yours this Christmas!

As ever,

Monday, March 14, 2011


This comes with some second thoughts this year. I've read articles, and some of these sarcastic, about the annual Christmas "brag sheet" and I began to wonder if I should send out a beautiful Christmas card instead. As you can see, I decided on the annual letter (because I owe so many anyway) and hope it isn't a brag sheet but just a grateful chronicle of some of our happenings.

I'm not sure everything will be listed in the order of their importance but this first one certainly is. Our fourth child (and second daughter) was born June 2 and is by now a healthy and happy six-month-old. She is good now (after the colicky spell) and so enjoyed by the other three. Her baptism was the weekend after the Fourth of July when my aunt and uncle, Bruce and Ella Graves and cousin Elaine and my brother Gordon and his wife Shirley were down to be her godparents and sponsors. We had a real nice weekend! Pam, my littlest - well, my youngest sister came along and stayed on with us for three weeks. Then Elaine came back to spend part of her vacation (?) with us. They both got used to me, saying, "Give the baby her bottle," before they went back home. Elaine even lengthened all the hems on Dawn's dresses so they were ready for school. That's the kind of company to have, huh?!

Arik who is now 2 1/2 is full of it. He is such a tease and doesn't mind being teased back. He is a favorite with everyone (except his mom at times) - enjoys his uncle Spence and still talks about his uncle Lyle's visit here; Grandpa & Grandma Blakey would come to visit with him every day if he could manage it. Just lately he has been enthralled with Pastor Kappelmann, only he calls him master.

Mark is in third grade this year and still likes school. He talks most about football and baseball and basketball, so I would guess his favorite subjects are phys ed and recess. Dawn is a busy one - is in 4th grade and this year goes to a different school than Mark. She is in Girl Scouts, and is taking piano lessons. Both Dawn and Mark do a lot of reading and so with a little time for just playing or watching TV cartoons, their days go by quickly.

Vince's routine and schedule is pretty much the same. I don't think his practice has changed much in the last year, except that he is a little farther behind. His dental hygenist doesn't work every [day] part time anymore. He took a post-graduate course in Endo at Iowa City (three days [in] the middle of November) and also took in the lectures during Homecoming - Oct. 21-22. (I went along for the parade and the game). Sthe[?] State Meeting in Des Moines and the District meetings both spring and fall also help him to keep up with the new. He is considering going to Chicago in February, for the Midwinter Meeting.

Vince hasn't done much hunting, and didn't do as much fishing as he would like to (naturally) though he did go on the annual excursion to Canada. Our vacation was spent on the farm with my folks. The kids especially loved it and Vince and I appreciated the relaxation. Of course, I was still getting up at six with Jené, Mom and Dad probably had to take a vacation after we left.

I've been the lucky one this year. Our living room, dining room, and kitchen needed redecoration. The paper was dirty, torn and colored upon. We decided to panel the walls, paint the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator, get new kitchen floor covering, and install a dishwasher. I have certainly enjoyed that! It was a messy two weeks or month, but we were lucky enough to get it done just before the baby was born. (In fact, three hours before she made her grand entrance into this world, Vince and I were hanging dining room curtains without a suspicion that this was the day).

This coming year promises to be a more involved one - Vince is still teaching in the Bethel Bible Series, and singing in the church choir. I am going to be chairman for the Hospital Auxiliary Unit, Circle Bible Study leader and captain of the bowling team. I still have two units to take in Bethel so will try to finish that up this year, too.

If you are ever in this vicinity, stop in and see us. We love having company.

May you have a blessed Christmas and a worthwile year to come.


Vince and Verla
Dawn, Mark, Arik, and Jené

Sunday, March 13, 2011



It is Christmas letter time again - I'm later at it this year - deer hunting season is over. Vince went out one day but it was so foggy that he couldn't see a thing so he came home early. The rest of his deer hunting spent lying around the house with flu. His hunting this fall has been minimal - very few pheasants (we're told) and he's been after squirrels only once or twice.

This has been a busy year (aren't they all?) and these last few weeks seem especially so. Vince has finished the Bethel teacher trainee course, and in November the first unit was offered to the congregation. Vince was one of the teachers teaching this unit, which finished this past Wednesday. He is also teaching the next unit which will start in January. He finds that he puts almost as much time in preparation for teaching each hour as he did on his lessons himself. But it is worth it - I hear from members of his class that he is a good teacher. I find it hard to find enough "quiet" hours in the week to get the reading and memorizing done. There are so many things I put aside to do while Arik is napping that his nap times just don't reach to everything.

Now I don't want you to get the idea that Arik is a bad boy. It's just that he is a typical 21-month old boy who loves to climb, loves to play with the vacuum cleaner, loves to help with the dishes, with the baking, and most anything else he can get his fingers into. But he has such an endearing smile when scolded for doing something he shouldn't be doing; and he really feels like he is being such a big help. He even looks like a Dennis the Menace - I can't keep his "rooster tail" down, no matter how many times a day I comb his hair.

Mark and Dawn are busy in school. Dawn is in third grade this year and Mark is in second. Dawn is in Brownies and will be starting piano lessons after the first of the year. We've just gotten a second-hand piano, and Dawn is practicing at it when I come down to make breakfast in the mornings. (Every time I sit down to play, Arik is there to help me, and to sing along. His favorite songs are Jesus Loves Me, Away in a Manger, and Brahm's Lullaby.)

The week of Iowa's heat wave this summer past we were vacationing at a cottage on Spirit Lake. Every time we got too hot for comfort, we took a dip in the lake. The kids especially enjoyed it, swimming morning, noon and night. They really practiced what they'd learned in their swimming lessons. The week following the three kids went to visit Grandpa and Grandma Blakey on the farm while Vince and I spent our time in Madison, Wisc., attending a session for Bethel Teacher Trainees. It was a concentrated week of many hours of classes taught by Pastor Swiggum, mostly on teaching principles. It was an interesting, beneficial, and enjoyable week.

Arik spent ten days on Grandpa's farm later this fall. He really has a ball as do Grandpa and Grandma. He loves to be outdoors and follow Grandpa around - helping feed the cattle, pigs, and chickens. I was busily doing my fall housecleaning while he was gone, and what I didn't get done then still isn't done.

We have taken our usual trips throughout the year - the state dental meeting in Des Moines in May, the Iowa City homecoming in October and Vince's fishing trip (unproductive) to Canada in late September. Vince's folks so willingly come over and stay with the kids when we take these jaunts.

Vince did some work in his dental operatories this spring. He has a new reclining chair, new cabinets, and new unit in one operatory. The other one was left pretty much the same, except for the new tile on the floor, and a fresh paint job on the walls and woodwork. He feels he is pretty well equipped now to do dentistry efficiently and effectively.

May the meaning of Christmas be deeper, and its hopes brighter is our prayer for you this year.


Vince, Verla, Dawn, Mark and Arik

Thursday, March 10, 2011


December 9, 1962


We are echoing the words of so many, "Where has this year gone?" As I write this Vince is out hunting - hoping to get a couple of pheasants. Next weekend he is going to try for a deer, being lucky enough to get one of the 10,000 deer licenses that are issued in Iowa. We've had a couple of pheasant dinners this fall, plus a few squirrel dinners, and quite a bit of trout through the summer. Vince likes to excuse his many hunting or fishing excursions with, "I've got to furnish meat for the table." (It all tastes good!)

As the weather finally turns cold, we remember with pleasure our vacation trip to Texas last February. Leaving Iowa in a blizzard (it took us 2 1/2 days to get to the Missouri Border) and coming back to Decorah in a blizzard, the week we spent in Harlingen with temperatures every day of 88 and 90 was really a treat. The kids even played in the Gulf of Mexico; and Vince got one of the worst sunburns he can remember, on an afternoon fishing trip. We enjoyed so much seeing quite a few of those we knew when Vince was stationed there, and especially enjoyed the hospitality of the Daniel family - Pastor, Margaret, Becca & Dave.

Another memorable week was spent along with a family from Decorah at a cabin on the Mississippi near Cass Lake and Bemidji, Minnesota, the middle part of August. It was a poor time of the year for fishing, though the men tried early and late every day; but it was really relaxing for the womenfolk to have nothing to do but see that the meals were made and the children watched. Our schedule was so different - breakfast at ten in the morning, dinner or lunch at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and supper about 9:30 or 10 in the evening. But even that was fun!

The rest of the year has been spent in busyness in home, church and community. Vince has been Chairman of the Board of Trustees at church, and so has been real concerned with the business end of the church. Starting this fall, I'm principal of the Primary Dept. of Sunday School. We have 12 teachers, 12 substitutes and about 100 students in our department. Next, Sunday we are giving our Christmas presentation as a part of the second morning worship service. I hope it sounds better than it did at practice today.

About once a month or so, we try to get up to Windom, Minnesota, to see Grandma & Grandpa Blakey. The kids really have fun on the farm. Mark was out helping Grandma pick eggs one day. How was he to know he wasn't supposed to drop them in the basket. And then to climb the elevator into the hay loft - that is really an adventure. And if Grandpa wonders where the corn disappears to - Mark has been feeding the pigs. They're hungry! Poor Grandpa - he has to keep an eye on them - these city kids just aren't used to things on a farm!

Vince and I went to the State Dental Convention in Des Moines, the Dental District Meeting in Dubuque, Homecoming at Iowa City; we also spent a weekend in Des Moines in November with Art & Marge Cahalan, an exciting weekend considering Mark needed three stitches in his upper lip - he fell against the door. Now we are planning, weather permitting, to attend the Midwinter Meeting in Chicago in February. We really appreciate living in the same town as Grandpa and Grandma Williams, and their willingness to stay with the kids on these weekends. Needless to say, the kids really enjoy it - Grandpa always has some licorice in a pocket.

Why mamas get gray? On July 4, Mark fell out of the car as I was turning into our driveway - luckily he had sense enough to grab hold of the arm rest and hang on till I got the car stopped. And I really aged on August 27. Dawn had her 5th birthday on August 26, and the next day tripped gaily off to kindergarten. She enjoys it so much. Mark started Sunday School in September so he too says he "is getting big." They have their Christmas program next Sunday afternoon, so we have been learning the little songs and finger plays that they will be using. Dawn found out today that she will be an angel and is quite thrilled. Mark will be in the little "choir."

May Christ, the light of the World, whose birth we are remembering fill you with His joy and peace now and throughout the year to come.
