Saturday, April 16, 2011


December 13, 1999

Dear ________,

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is
Christ the Lord" - our prayer is that you have a blessed Christmas!
So many are saying the year has passed so quickly, and we agreel Our year has been filled
with happy times:

- the wedding in Morris, IL of Vince's great niece, Tara Zylla to Jim Walke - it was beautiful, and so good to see Lanita (Vince's niece) and Brian and Candice and their little girl, and of course, Steve and Kathy.
- the Johnson Cousin reunion in Decorah at Nordic Fest time. There were about 80 at the Saturday evening picnic, and nearly that many at the Sunday noon dinner. Florida and California and places in between were represented. Steve and Kathy flew in from Denver and stayed with us a night at our little "get-away" apartment.
- the 90th birthday celebration for my Mom in August. Most of her descendants were at a picnic in Mankato - 50 or so. She has 15 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and even now this month is awaiting the arrival of her first great great grandchild. My brother thinks it's worse that he is going to be a great grandpa. All 4 of our children with spouses and children spent the week prior to the Party with us. That was really neat! It's not often the 4 are home at the same time.
- my high school class reunion in Windom, MN - 50 years. Uffda! Some hadn't changed much,
some had. It was fun.

Our children's lives are much the same. However, Bob has a new tour of duty so Dawn and
Bob, Heather and Andy moved from Centreville VA to St. Leonard MD last spring. We were out to see them in their new house when they were barely settled. Andy went fishing with his grandpa; Heather and I did a sewing project, besides the sight seeing and visiting.

Mark has just moved from Carson City to Stateline, NV. He says he has a beautiful view of
Lake Tahoe on one side and the Carson valley on the other. He will be teaching voice, musical
theater, whatever at Lake Tahoe C.C. He and another faculty member have written a musical which they will be doing next June - we hope to go out and see it.

Arik is at the same job in Portland - he has gotten a boat and with his special friend, Stacie, has gotten into fishing. He was thrilled to have caught a 7 foot sturgeon. Wow!

Jene and John are still in Traer, IA, both teaching. BrandiAnne and IT. keep them on the move when they're not working. IT. just turned 2, andis into trucks, big, little and in between. BrandiAnne has her dolls - she loves her nativity set and talks with Mary, 'Dofus' and baby Jesus.

Vince was asked to come back as a prosthodontic consultant, so he spends Wednesday mornings at the Dental College. He enjoys the interaction with the senior students and the camaraderie with his colleagues.

I just keep busy. I continue to lead a Bible study at the church, 12 weeks in the fall session, and 12 weeks in the spring. That keeps me studying!

picture i.d.: Bob Boyd, Mark, Arik, Vince, Stacie, John Daub holding J.T.
Heather, Dawn, Andy, Verla, Jene holding BrandiAnne



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