Verla Williams, Christmas letter (2009). Image courtesy of Mark D. Williams.
Dear __________,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
For a little while, I thought we hadn't done enough this year to write a letter about, but then I checked our calendar and changed my mind.
January - a short visit from Dawn and Heather before Heather left for her tour of duty in the Navy in Japan.
February - a weekend visit in Denver for the funeral of our sister-in-law, Shirley and a couple of days with nephew Steve and Kathy.
March - a long weekend along with Dawn in Carson City to surprise Mark on his 50th birthday; he said he was surprised.
April - a couple days in Madison, WI for a genealogical meeting.
May - a "sisters" weekend in Decorah.
June - the "Blakey" gathering in Decorah - Pam and families, Sharon and family, and Vince and I.
July - the Nordic Fest the last Saturday, followed by a drive to Jackson, MN the next day to visit cousin Elaine, cousin Roland and Mari, and brother Gordon from Denver.
August - the last week at a resort in northern Idaho with Arik and his family.
September - my high school class reunion in Windom, MN - the 60th - who were those old people that were there?
November- Jene, John, BrandiAnne and J.T. here with us for Thanksgiving.
December - we are looking forward to a visit from Mark, Junel and Roslyn - it will be fun to have a 2 year old around again.
Nothing new with our 'kids' - they are still in the same places doing the same things. Dawn and Bob in St. Leonard, MD; Andrew is a junior at U. of Maryland, Salisbury, and Heather a physical therapist in Japan. Mark, Junel and Roslyn in Carson City but will visit us over Christmas. Arik and Stacie, Kaelyn, Amaya, and Lauren in Portland, OR and the Daubs in Traer, IA.
That's it, besides our day to day activities. Vince still goes in as an adjunct professor one day a week. They seem to need him, and he enjoys it. The upkeep of our house and a large lawn takes up a lot of his time.
Norse Club, Bible Class and Lutheran World Relief quilting keeps me busy.
We still go up to Decorah now and then during the warmer months. Have to try to catch those wary trout.
Hope this finds you in good health as we anticipate the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
Dad and Mom
[Handwritten note: This is all old news - older news on the back. (On the back is a photocopy of the Christmas letter from 1964).]