Hey there!
Life has been full and exciting since I last sat down to compose such an epistle as this. With the sounds of tires spinning in the cold snow, Christmas carols from the radio or the stereo, Rudolph or the Grinch sounding forth from the TV and children's voices: "You know what I want, Mom?" or "I only want this, Mom," we move rapidly on towards that day of all days when our Savior and Lord was born. As we celebrate His birth again this year, may we each receive Him anew each day, and as we anxiously await His second coming, may we each day be prepared for its glory and its finality.
As we watch our children grow and mature, I'm not sure if they are keeping us young or helping us age - a little of both, I presume. Dawn is a sophomore, a cheerleader, in the band and in the chorus, in Youth Choir and Hi League at Church. She was confirmed last May. The boys are beginning to call at the door, but she still tells her dad he is her favorite.
Mark is a freshman, in band and chorus, Jr. Hi League and Confirmation Choir. He will be confirmed in the spring (I suppose). He went out for Cross Country, and will for Track - likes football and basketball but is too small, I guess. He has a morning paper route which makes him early to bed and early to rise, and a man of his own means.
Arik is in third grade, in Cub Scouts, and Children's Choir. He is taking piano lessons - likes to play but hates to practice.
Jené is in first grade, and likes school. She now reads me her bedtime stories.
There have been some changes and some additions around here. Vince has moved his dental office uptown where he is renting space. He has a nice 2-chair office and likes it. In nice weather, he rides his motorcycle (now has a Harley Davidson) or his bicycle. Now that it is colder he walks and carries his noon lunch with him.
The boys are each sleeping in what used to be an operatory downstairs. The waiting room will be a den - we are waiting for carpenters to put in a door. Dawn now has her own room and enjoys the solitude away from a noisy little "sis." Jené also has her own room with its purple shag rug and lilac walls. Those are the changes - now for the additions:
Ebony came to live with us last January. Sometimes she's man's best friend and sometimes man's worst nuisance. I'11 be glad when she gets over chewing - boots, mittens, stocking caps, pencils, ballpoint pens, magazine racks, woodwork, you name it. The kids have enjoyed her, especially Mark.
Last May, my sister Pam got married so we have a new brother-in-law, Bob Bergan. She still works at Luther, he is employed by Western Electric.
And when school started this fall, Peggy came to live with us. She is Jene's roommate, a junior at Luther and from Anguilla (the island we were at in 1969).
Another addition - to our church - a new pastor, Paul Christensen, a man of unending energy. He'll probably shake First Lutheran down to its very foundations.
My parents for the most part are quite well, I was home for a couple of days in the middle of a week a couple of weeks ago - without any of the children along. What a visit we had!
Vince's folks had to give up their apartment last summer and are now living at the Aase Haugen Home, about five miles outside of Decorah. Some days they are fairly content out there, some days not.
This blog contains copies of Christmas letters beginning in 1962 written by my mother, Verla (Blakey) Williams. They contain a wealth of family history and are included as a sidelight to the genealogy blogs listed in the blog roll.
Verla Williams

Showing posts with label Paul Christensen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Christensen. Show all posts
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Bob Bergan,
Grandma Blakey,
Grandma Williams,
Grandpa Blakey,
Grandpa Williams,
Paul Christensen,
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