Dear friend,
The disappointment I feel when I open a card without some note of news from the sender prods me to again dig out my typewriter and set down this discourse.
Looking back over our oversized calendar, this has been a year of much activity - I hope some of it meaningful. There have been several highlights:
In January, our family (we took the kids out of school) spent 2 weeks in southern Texas, basking in the sun, running on the beach, a trip across the border to Mexico and visiting old (of long standing) friends from when Vince was stationed in Harlingen. That was fun!
May was interesting - we helped Vince's folks celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary by having a small open house here for their friends and relatives. (Things have been up and down for them thru-out the year. They moved in November from the Retirement Center to the Eastern Star Retirement Home. Lillie fell about a week ago and broke her leg, so right now she is in the hospital.)
Also in May, Peggy graduated from Luther College. We had another Open House to honor her, and such a crew of friends and faculty that came to wish her well. Right now she is back at home in Anguilla, but anticipates coming back sometime.
In July, we went to Windom for a weekend for my class reunion - the 25th (could it be?) I really enjoyed that - seeing some classmates I hadn't seen for years and years. Another week was spent at Windom during July, helping Mom with the chores while Dad was in the hospital for a short stay. It was kind of fun again - feeding the hogs, the chickens, the sheep, etc. You can take the girl off the farm but you never quite get the farm out of the girl.
Vince had his usual trips - dental meetings, etc. He spent a week in N. Minn. in June, catching the big ones, mostly northerns. And the Labor Day weekend in Canada trying for more. He spent this past Friday and Saturday at the university of Minnesota attending a dental short course. Really good, he said.
An exciting and rewarding experience was ours in September when we were the host family for two visiting Japanese Christians, a venture of the Iowa District of the ALC. Our communication was painstakingly slow as we understood no Japanese, and they spoke little English. The night one of them asked to be shown the conveniences of my "kitchen room and my basement" was a real event. To explain the workings of our appliances, particularly the water softener, was as educational for me as for them.
The kids have been involved and busy - Dawn, a senior and Mark, a junior especially so. Mark was a member of the State Champion Cross Country team, and was thrilled. Both of them had parts in the Sr. High Drama Dept. production of Fiddler on the Roof and after 8 or 10 weeks of rehearsals, the entire cast did a terrific job. Dawn was one of the daughters, and Mark played the tailor.
Arik is in fifth grade and Jené in third and each busy in their own activities. Arik spent a night in the hospital after a hard bump on the head, but no dire consequences. Jené just keeps bubbling around, teasing everyone and earning their displeasure more often than not.
So we come again to the Advent season with its busy preparations. It's good I know that Christmas will come whether or not I get my cookies baked, my gifts wrapped or my cards sent. My, (and everyone's) preparedness comes from opening the heart's door to the Christ knocking there, whether it be the Christ born in the manger or the Christ wearing the victory crown coming to be with us forever.
Merry Christmas!
Vince, Verla, Dawn, Mark, Arik & Jené
This blog contains copies of Christmas letters beginning in 1962 written by my mother, Verla (Blakey) Williams. They contain a wealth of family history and are included as a sidelight to the genealogy blogs listed in the blog roll.
Verla Williams

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Grandma Blakey,
Grandma Williams,
Grandpa Blakey,
Grandpa Williams,
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