Dear family and friends,
If you want to read an uplifting, depressing, sad, and joyful little book, try Edna Hong's Bright Valley of Love. I've read it at the beginning of Advent for 4 years and cry, and get angry, and laugh, and become more determined to "love my neighbor" each time I read it. There is one place where a young boy has discovered "there's a crack in everything!" so what's the good of Christmas anyway? The answer given him is that's just the reason that Christ was born - because there is a crack in everything!
We've had some exciting times this past year:
Vince had a dental meeting in San Francisco last March. Mark and I went along - we went sightseeing while Vince attended meetings. Arik flew up and joined us for a weekend. We took an additional week of vacation (Spring Break) rented a car and drove down to L.A. Stayed with Arik, lollygagged around the pool at his apartment, enjoyed the warm weather. (This year the March meeting is in Cincinnati.)
On June 10, Jené married John Daub. It was a pretty day and a beautiful service. She was so well organized we were able to have Dawn's 2 little kids stay with us the 2 weeks before the wedding. Dawn and Bob were busy packing, sorting, etc. in preparation for a new assignment. We were especially glad to have Heather and Andy here since they moved so far away - they are now living on Guam, moving there the middle of July. What is even more strange is that Jené and John both got teaching contracts on Guam, and they left for there the first days of August. We hope to visit all of them some time.
Bob has been back in the states on temporary duty and was with us for Thanksgiving - he brought along a videotape, so we got to see and hear the kids, some of their activities, the house Dawn and Bob have, and Jene and John's apartment, as well as some of the island's beaches, historic spots, scenery. That was fun.
We helped my mom celebrate her 80th birthday at Windom in August. She didn't want a big "to-do" and though we threatened to do it anyway, we decided to mind her and just had a small family affair.
These were the major events and changes - Mark is still teaching at Millikin Univ. Decatur, IL; Arik is still working as asst. manager of an auto junk yard in L.A.; and Vince is still teaching at the Dental College.
The Christmas cards and letters have started to arrive. We saw the Nutcracker last week, and went to the Dept. Christmas party. The Madrigal Dinner is next on the calendar and then the Norse Club Smorgasbord. I think the Norwegians have a better idea - they do all the preparations the days before Christmas; then Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are the church and family observances, and then for the next 12 to 20 days are all the parties.
May your Christmas be joyous and meaningful, "for unto to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord."
This blog contains copies of Christmas letters beginning in 1962 written by my mother, Verla (Blakey) Williams. They contain a wealth of family history and are included as a sidelight to the genealogy blogs listed in the blog roll.
Verla Williams
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
14 December 1988
Merry Christmas! It is with hesitant anticipation that I approach Advent and Christmas. I enjoy the extra baking, the shopping, the card-mailing and receiving, the get-togethers and parties; the concerts, Madrigal dinner, the decorations and lights; but is that what God intended? Can all that be combined with the Worship and Adoration of the Christ-Child? Perhaps so, as long as we remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
January - a couple of trips to Mpls-St. Paul - Vince was considering a change of location but decided against it so we are still here in Iowa.
February - I flew to Charleston, S.C. to entertain Heather and help her welcome her new brother. Andrew Keith was born February 14.
March - Jené, Vince and I drove to S.C. during Spring Break - Grandpa had to see that new grandson, too. We also had a trip to Montreal for a Dental Meeting.
June - 2 weeks at a lake in Mn., my sisters and families, my folks, Arik and Jené joining us for the first week. Dawn and Bob, Heather and Andy there for most of both weeks. Bob's new orders were to report to Fort Leavenworth, KS July 1. It's been fun having them so close - we've seen them at least every month.
August - spent a week at Windom with the folks - visiting relatives, etc. Looked up a high school classmate (I hadn't seen her since our 5-yr. reunion) one day on our way to visit my sister in Mankato. My cousin (Mom's 1st cousin) gave me some letters in Norwegian written by my gr. gr. grandfather to his son, my gr. grandfather. What fun to have!
Sept., Oct., Nov., - football games, concerts: we've heard Moscow Symphony, Marvin Hamlisch, Robert Goulet in South Pacific, Debbie Reynolds, Canadian Brass, Mark Williams in Oklahoma!, among others.
Our kids:
Dawn, Bob, Heather and Andy will be in Kansas until June 1, then maybe heading for Guam. We've never visited Guam.
Mark - received his DMA in Voice Performance at U of I, Champaign, Ill. presently teaching at Millikin Univ., Decatur.
Arik - still living and working in LA - hopes to get home in June.
Jené - practice teaching next semester; graduating from UNI in May, marrying John Daub in June - both of them hoping to find teaching positions.
Merry Christmas! It is with hesitant anticipation that I approach Advent and Christmas. I enjoy the extra baking, the shopping, the card-mailing and receiving, the get-togethers and parties; the concerts, Madrigal dinner, the decorations and lights; but is that what God intended? Can all that be combined with the Worship and Adoration of the Christ-Child? Perhaps so, as long as we remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
January - a couple of trips to Mpls-St. Paul - Vince was considering a change of location but decided against it so we are still here in Iowa.
February - I flew to Charleston, S.C. to entertain Heather and help her welcome her new brother. Andrew Keith was born February 14.
March - Jené, Vince and I drove to S.C. during Spring Break - Grandpa had to see that new grandson, too. We also had a trip to Montreal for a Dental Meeting.
June - 2 weeks at a lake in Mn., my sisters and families, my folks, Arik and Jené joining us for the first week. Dawn and Bob, Heather and Andy there for most of both weeks. Bob's new orders were to report to Fort Leavenworth, KS July 1. It's been fun having them so close - we've seen them at least every month.
August - spent a week at Windom with the folks - visiting relatives, etc. Looked up a high school classmate (I hadn't seen her since our 5-yr. reunion) one day on our way to visit my sister in Mankato. My cousin (Mom's 1st cousin) gave me some letters in Norwegian written by my gr. gr. grandfather to his son, my gr. grandfather. What fun to have!
Sept., Oct., Nov., - football games, concerts: we've heard Moscow Symphony, Marvin Hamlisch, Robert Goulet in South Pacific, Debbie Reynolds, Canadian Brass, Mark Williams in Oklahoma!, among others.
Our kids:
Dawn, Bob, Heather and Andy will be in Kansas until June 1, then maybe heading for Guam. We've never visited Guam.
Mark - received his DMA in Voice Performance at U of I, Champaign, Ill. presently teaching at Millikin Univ., Decatur.
Arik - still living and working in LA - hopes to get home in June.
Jené - practice teaching next semester; graduating from UNI in May, marrying John Daub in June - both of them hoping to find teaching positions.
Monday, April 4, 2011
December 16, 1987
Dear __________
On a Saturday about 3 weeks ago, we stood in a cold, wet rain eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the King of Norway as he drove through the streets of Decorah. The thought has struck me: do we wait as eagerly now as, we approach the celebration of the birth of the King of Kings! May your Celebration be especially meaningful to you (and to us) this joyful season.
Just a brief summary of where our kids are: well, come to think of it, it will be brief. They are all still where they were last year. Maybe by next year there will be a couple of changes. We visited Dawn and Bob and Heather in Charleston, S.C. last March, and we made a short trip to L.A. to see Arik this fall. It's fun to be able to see them in your mind instead of just imagining what their homes are like, etc. We have been to Mark and Amy's a couple of times at Champaign, and see Jené oftener - she's the closest and is enjoying her college work.
Guess August was both the saddest and the "gladdest" month. Vince's brother Lyle died from lunq cancer - he had fouqht it bravely for 2 1/2 years. Fortunately, we had been to Salt Lake in July to see Lyle and Exene, and Linda and family and had some good visits. We flew out for his memorial service August 17-18.
And then the following weekend drove to Windom to help my folks celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. We made it a Blakey reunion and all of the folks' descendants were there, includinq 15 qrandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. We spent most of Saturday together visiting and eating, and eating and visiting. On Sunday, we filled 4 pews at morning worship, and at noon nearly filled an upper room of a restaurant where Dad treated us to dinner. In the afternoon, the folks greeted 160 friends and relatives at an Open House. My only reqret is that the weekend went too fast, and the time for visiting was too short. Next time we will have to add another day. Shall we plan it for their 65th or 70th? It really was such fun!
Merry Christmas,
Dear __________
On a Saturday about 3 weeks ago, we stood in a cold, wet rain eagerly waiting for a glimpse of the King of Norway as he drove through the streets of Decorah. The thought has struck me: do we wait as eagerly now as, we approach the celebration of the birth of the King of Kings! May your Celebration be especially meaningful to you (and to us) this joyful season.
Just a brief summary of where our kids are: well, come to think of it, it will be brief. They are all still where they were last year. Maybe by next year there will be a couple of changes. We visited Dawn and Bob and Heather in Charleston, S.C. last March, and we made a short trip to L.A. to see Arik this fall. It's fun to be able to see them in your mind instead of just imagining what their homes are like, etc. We have been to Mark and Amy's a couple of times at Champaign, and see Jené oftener - she's the closest and is enjoying her college work.
Guess August was both the saddest and the "gladdest" month. Vince's brother Lyle died from lunq cancer - he had fouqht it bravely for 2 1/2 years. Fortunately, we had been to Salt Lake in July to see Lyle and Exene, and Linda and family and had some good visits. We flew out for his memorial service August 17-18.
And then the following weekend drove to Windom to help my folks celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. We made it a Blakey reunion and all of the folks' descendants were there, includinq 15 qrandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. We spent most of Saturday together visiting and eating, and eating and visiting. On Sunday, we filled 4 pews at morning worship, and at noon nearly filled an upper room of a restaurant where Dad treated us to dinner. In the afternoon, the folks greeted 160 friends and relatives at an Open House. My only reqret is that the weekend went too fast, and the time for visiting was too short. Next time we will have to add another day. Shall we plan it for their 65th or 70th? It really was such fun!
Merry Christmas,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
9 December 1986
Dear __________
Last night I read about 70 Christmas letters and cards - no, I haven't received that many already this year. I was re-reading the ones we received last year. We were so involved with the details of our Norway trip at this time last year that it was good to read them again.
Norway - it is impossible to describe our trip in a 'brief' letter but I will try to give a few observations. We had a great trip! We also had frustrations! It is much different to visit a beautiful country for a couple of weeks than to live within its culture for five months - not that we would give up the experience - we wouldn't. But next time we will be prepared for the cultural shock. I think the most difficult part for me was the language barrier. You turn on the TV and you can't understand it. You pick up a newspaper and you can't read it. You answer the telephone and can't understand the caller. You go to church and can't understand the hymns, prayers, sermon or Scriptures. And on and on. Vince got along quite well. Most of the time, he understood at least the gist of the conversations. Most of the time the conversations went over my head. [Handwritten note: By the way, visit Norway in the summertime.]
But we had a great trip! The highlight was meeting "family" - third, fourth, fifth or sixth cousins. In particular, one distant cousin of Vince's outdid himself in Norwegian hospitality. We were invited to their home many times; he took us to the church where Vince's forebears were baptized, married, and buried. He showed us the farms that they lived on and in some cases where family still lives. They shared with us their Syttende Mai (May 17) celebration. They invited us to a day in their hyyte (cabin) on the Oslofjord.
Other relatives also opened their homes to us, some in Oslo or the suburbs, and some out in the scenic countryside. On one farm which used to be in the family but is now owned by strangers, we were invited in and treated to kaffe and smultringer (donuts) while they tried to help us find out if there were any relations still in the area. As I said - all these visits were indeed the highlight of our trip.
We returned to Iowa City on June 12, having left Norway on May 22. We drove through Denmark, Germany, and then over to England before flying out from London. The typical American tourists: we tried to see too much in too short a time, and hope we have another opportunity to take more time to see some of those beautiful places.
Life is back to normal, whatever that is. Jené is back at UNI and enjoying it. Arik is working in California and planning on attending USC at Northridge next semester. Mark and Amy are at Champaign - Amy has completed her Master's and Mark is still at work on his Doctorate. We go see them every once in a while. Dawn and Heather spent 3 weeks with us in September - Bob has been on the J.F.Kennedy carrier in the Mediterranean since August, but will be back in a couple of months.
A Blessed Christmas!
Dear __________
Last night I read about 70 Christmas letters and cards - no, I haven't received that many already this year. I was re-reading the ones we received last year. We were so involved with the details of our Norway trip at this time last year that it was good to read them again.
Norway - it is impossible to describe our trip in a 'brief' letter but I will try to give a few observations. We had a great trip! We also had frustrations! It is much different to visit a beautiful country for a couple of weeks than to live within its culture for five months - not that we would give up the experience - we wouldn't. But next time we will be prepared for the cultural shock. I think the most difficult part for me was the language barrier. You turn on the TV and you can't understand it. You pick up a newspaper and you can't read it. You answer the telephone and can't understand the caller. You go to church and can't understand the hymns, prayers, sermon or Scriptures. And on and on. Vince got along quite well. Most of the time, he understood at least the gist of the conversations. Most of the time the conversations went over my head. [Handwritten note: By the way, visit Norway in the summertime.]
But we had a great trip! The highlight was meeting "family" - third, fourth, fifth or sixth cousins. In particular, one distant cousin of Vince's outdid himself in Norwegian hospitality. We were invited to their home many times; he took us to the church where Vince's forebears were baptized, married, and buried. He showed us the farms that they lived on and in some cases where family still lives. They shared with us their Syttende Mai (May 17) celebration. They invited us to a day in their hyyte (cabin) on the Oslofjord.
Other relatives also opened their homes to us, some in Oslo or the suburbs, and some out in the scenic countryside. On one farm which used to be in the family but is now owned by strangers, we were invited in and treated to kaffe and smultringer (donuts) while they tried to help us find out if there were any relations still in the area. As I said - all these visits were indeed the highlight of our trip.
We returned to Iowa City on June 12, having left Norway on May 22. We drove through Denmark, Germany, and then over to England before flying out from London. The typical American tourists: we tried to see too much in too short a time, and hope we have another opportunity to take more time to see some of those beautiful places.
Life is back to normal, whatever that is. Jené is back at UNI and enjoying it. Arik is working in California and planning on attending USC at Northridge next semester. Mark and Amy are at Champaign - Amy has completed her Master's and Mark is still at work on his Doctorate. We go see them every once in a while. Dawn and Heather spent 3 weeks with us in September - Bob has been on the J.F.Kennedy carrier in the Mediterranean since August, but will be back in a couple of months.
A Blessed Christmas!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
4 December 1985
As you turned your calendar to December, did you stop to wonder where the year has gone? I did. And I looked back to see. Each sheet is marked up with birthdays to remember, things to do, places to go, and even money spent. Each month has a lot of repetitions: circle meeting, Norse Club, reading group, postage - $4.40; 22nd - call Mom; go quilt. And each month has some things different: a concert, or a play, or an opera (we drove to Champaign, IL, twice to see Mark perform - The Merry Widow, and The Magic Flute), or a football game (how about them Rose Bowl Hawks?)
There've been some interesting trips:
Feb - a dental meeting in Chicago; and Vince flew to Edmonton, Can. to lecture at a 2-day meeting.
Mar - a dental meeting in Las Vegas - that was . . . interesting. Especially so because Arik drove up from LA to see us, and we also saw both Spence, and his son Steve, and Lyle and Exene (Vince's brothers).
Apr - Mom, Sharon, her daughter Jessica and I flew to DC to visit Dawn, Bob and Heather - both Mom and Heather were quite the sight-seeing troopers!
May - 2 short jaunts - a day to Des Moines, and one to Decorah. Vince had a fishing trip to N. Minn.
June - Vince had a week of fishing in Canada; and we spent part of a week checking out lakes in Mn. We think we might like a lake cabin. Went home via Windom, for a short visit with my brother Gordon and Shirley.
July - Dawn and Heather flew out to visit us - Dawn timed it for her H.S. reunion at Nordic Fest time, so another trip to Decorah.
Aug - Heard the Statler Brothers at a little county fair not far from here.
Sept - Decorah for a day, and Windom for several.
Oct - a trip to Mpls. (Vince went to a continuing ed. course) I took Sharon to the Mn. Historical research building and taught her how to read census films. How exciting!
Nov - one of our trips to Champaign; also Thanksgiving Day in Pekin, IL with Amy and Mark at her folks.
Dawn and Bob are still in DC but are looking for a new duty assignment next spring. They are coming next week for a 10-day visit. We are anxious to see Heather (well, Dawn and Bob, too) - sounds like she keeps her mom busy - running and climbing.
Mark and Amy are still in Champaign, still going to school.
Arik is still in LA (Sherman Oaks) and planning on going back to school, out there.
Jené is still at UNI, second year. She will be taking off the next semester and spending it in Norway. So she is quite excited about that. Actually, we are too; she will be living with us. Vince was granted a developmental leave from the University, and will be doing research with a professor at the University of Oslo. We leave on Jan. 6, will be in Oslo until middle of May, and then hope to travel to Germany, Switzerland, and Great Britain before heading back here on June 12. It should be quite an adventure.
May Jesus, whose birth we celebrate, fill you with His peace throughout this season and the year to come.
P.S. Our address until 15 May in case you want to write or come to visit:
c/o Prof. Jon Gjønnes
Otto Ruges Veien 84A
1345 Østerås Norway
As you turned your calendar to December, did you stop to wonder where the year has gone? I did. And I looked back to see. Each sheet is marked up with birthdays to remember, things to do, places to go, and even money spent. Each month has a lot of repetitions: circle meeting, Norse Club, reading group, postage - $4.40; 22nd - call Mom; go quilt. And each month has some things different: a concert, or a play, or an opera (we drove to Champaign, IL, twice to see Mark perform - The Merry Widow, and The Magic Flute), or a football game (how about them Rose Bowl Hawks?)
There've been some interesting trips:
Feb - a dental meeting in Chicago; and Vince flew to Edmonton, Can. to lecture at a 2-day meeting.
Mar - a dental meeting in Las Vegas - that was . . . interesting. Especially so because Arik drove up from LA to see us, and we also saw both Spence, and his son Steve, and Lyle and Exene (Vince's brothers).
Apr - Mom, Sharon, her daughter Jessica and I flew to DC to visit Dawn, Bob and Heather - both Mom and Heather were quite the sight-seeing troopers!
May - 2 short jaunts - a day to Des Moines, and one to Decorah. Vince had a fishing trip to N. Minn.
June - Vince had a week of fishing in Canada; and we spent part of a week checking out lakes in Mn. We think we might like a lake cabin. Went home via Windom, for a short visit with my brother Gordon and Shirley.
July - Dawn and Heather flew out to visit us - Dawn timed it for her H.S. reunion at Nordic Fest time, so another trip to Decorah.
Aug - Heard the Statler Brothers at a little county fair not far from here.
Sept - Decorah for a day, and Windom for several.
Oct - a trip to Mpls. (Vince went to a continuing ed. course) I took Sharon to the Mn. Historical research building and taught her how to read census films. How exciting!
Nov - one of our trips to Champaign; also Thanksgiving Day in Pekin, IL with Amy and Mark at her folks.
Dawn and Bob are still in DC but are looking for a new duty assignment next spring. They are coming next week for a 10-day visit. We are anxious to see Heather (well, Dawn and Bob, too) - sounds like she keeps her mom busy - running and climbing.
Mark and Amy are still in Champaign, still going to school.
Arik is still in LA (Sherman Oaks) and planning on going back to school, out there.
Jené is still at UNI, second year. She will be taking off the next semester and spending it in Norway. So she is quite excited about that. Actually, we are too; she will be living with us. Vince was granted a developmental leave from the University, and will be doing research with a professor at the University of Oslo. We leave on Jan. 6, will be in Oslo until middle of May, and then hope to travel to Germany, Switzerland, and Great Britain before heading back here on June 12. It should be quite an adventure.
May Jesus, whose birth we celebrate, fill you with His peace throughout this season and the year to come.
P.S. Our address until 15 May in case you want to write or come to visit:
c/o Prof. Jon Gjønnes
Otto Ruges Veien 84A
1345 Østerås Norway
Friday, April 1, 2011
16 December 1984
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This letter is being written as we drive along the Interstate between Champaign, Ill. and Iowa City. We spent the weekend with Mark and Amy. They are both back in school at the University of Illinois - Amy working on a master's and Mark on his doctorate. (We did enjoy seeing Mark in several shows during their stay in Chicago, but for several reasons they decided to make the move.)
Dawn and Bob were here for Thanksgiving, bringing little Heather Marie. It was the first time Vince had seen his granddaughter (I had been out to Alexandria in Sept. when she and Dawn came home from the hospital). Mark and Amy came to meet her, too, as did my folks. Jené was home so the only one of the immediate family who hasn't met her is Arik. It was a fun week!
Arik moved to Calif. in September - he is living in N. Hollywood, working for a moving company - establishing residency, I think. He will be flying in tomorrow night to spend the holidays here. He didn't take his car so plans to drive it back there this time.
Jené is in her first year at Univ. of Northern Iowa at Cedar Falls. It is 1ess than a 2-hour drive but she has been home only a couple of times, besides Thanksgiving. It sounds like she is enjoying college!
We have had some fun trips this year - besides our 3 or 4 trips into Chicago. We went to Dallas last March for a dental meeting - had supper one evening with my niece, Lez, her husband and family. Another niece, Lisa and her husband were there, too. They both live in Dallas suburbs. Another afternoon we visited fast and furiously with Eleanor Bynoe. She has now gotten her master's from South Western Baptist Seminary, Ft. Worth, and at present is seeking a job. It was interesting to hear her appreciation of Pres. Reagan's action in Grenada: "The support from the U.S. is our security!"
In July we drove out to Salt Lake City to visit Lyle and Exene (Vince's bro. and wife) and Linda (Vince's niece) and Steve and their boys. It had been years since we had been there. We drove home via Denver and spent July 4 with my brother Gordon and his family. Met a nephew-in-law, and a grand niece and nephew, too - it had been awhile since we'd seen them, too.
The following weeek was spent at a lake in Mn. with my 2 sisters and their families. Dawn and Bob flew in to join us for that week - a good time was had by all (in spite of Mn.'s state bird, the mosquito). We drove to Windom from the lake to attend my high school class reunion. It is always fun to compare notes at those affairs.
The annual Nordic Fest in Decorah, my trip to Wash., D.C. in Sept. and a weekend to Windom in October completed our travels for the year. We were hoping the Hawks would give us a trip to the Rose Bowl, but their last couple of games were disappointing. They are going to the Freedom Bowl at Anaheim, but the day after Christmas doesn't work out well.
Weather permitting, we will be in Mankato for Christmas Eve and Day. If today's weather keeps up, it would be no problem - it is 60, bright and sunshiny! We have had a couple slight snowfalls, nothing lasting so far.
Though we pray for "peace on earth, good will to men," Christ only promises us His peace within, available in the midst of any earthly circumstance. May that peace be ours this Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This letter is being written as we drive along the Interstate between Champaign, Ill. and Iowa City. We spent the weekend with Mark and Amy. They are both back in school at the University of Illinois - Amy working on a master's and Mark on his doctorate. (We did enjoy seeing Mark in several shows during their stay in Chicago, but for several reasons they decided to make the move.)
Dawn and Bob were here for Thanksgiving, bringing little Heather Marie. It was the first time Vince had seen his granddaughter (I had been out to Alexandria in Sept. when she and Dawn came home from the hospital). Mark and Amy came to meet her, too, as did my folks. Jené was home so the only one of the immediate family who hasn't met her is Arik. It was a fun week!
Arik moved to Calif. in September - he is living in N. Hollywood, working for a moving company - establishing residency, I think. He will be flying in tomorrow night to spend the holidays here. He didn't take his car so plans to drive it back there this time.
Jené is in her first year at Univ. of Northern Iowa at Cedar Falls. It is 1ess than a 2-hour drive but she has been home only a couple of times, besides Thanksgiving. It sounds like she is enjoying college!
We have had some fun trips this year - besides our 3 or 4 trips into Chicago. We went to Dallas last March for a dental meeting - had supper one evening with my niece, Lez, her husband and family. Another niece, Lisa and her husband were there, too. They both live in Dallas suburbs. Another afternoon we visited fast and furiously with Eleanor Bynoe. She has now gotten her master's from South Western Baptist Seminary, Ft. Worth, and at present is seeking a job. It was interesting to hear her appreciation of Pres. Reagan's action in Grenada: "The support from the U.S. is our security!"
In July we drove out to Salt Lake City to visit Lyle and Exene (Vince's bro. and wife) and Linda (Vince's niece) and Steve and their boys. It had been years since we had been there. We drove home via Denver and spent July 4 with my brother Gordon and his family. Met a nephew-in-law, and a grand niece and nephew, too - it had been awhile since we'd seen them, too.
The following weeek was spent at a lake in Mn. with my 2 sisters and their families. Dawn and Bob flew in to join us for that week - a good time was had by all (in spite of Mn.'s state bird, the mosquito). We drove to Windom from the lake to attend my high school class reunion. It is always fun to compare notes at those affairs.
The annual Nordic Fest in Decorah, my trip to Wash., D.C. in Sept. and a weekend to Windom in October completed our travels for the year. We were hoping the Hawks would give us a trip to the Rose Bowl, but their last couple of games were disappointing. They are going to the Freedom Bowl at Anaheim, but the day after Christmas doesn't work out well.
Weather permitting, we will be in Mankato for Christmas Eve and Day. If today's weather keeps up, it would be no problem - it is 60, bright and sunshiny! We have had a couple slight snowfalls, nothing lasting so far.
Though we pray for "peace on earth, good will to men," Christ only promises us His peace within, available in the midst of any earthly circumstance. May that peace be ours this Christmas!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
12 December 1983
Here it is the same date that I composed my epistle last year. As with all of you and with every year, it has had its ups and downs.
The Nursing Home where Vince's mom lived called us as we got home last Christmas Day, with news that she was not doing well. She lingered until the following Wednesday dying the evening of December 29. Her funeral was the Monday after New Year's in Decorah. We have missed her.
Mark and Amy had an impressive simple wedding ceremony in front of our Christmas tree on January 8. They moved to Chicago the next day. Mark has had some parts in a couple of plays, has been delivering singing telegrams, and auditioning here and there. Amy got a job in her field (her major is in Mass Communications). Their ceremony in Amy's home church in Macomb, Ill., was April 30. She was and is a beautiful bride!
Dawn and Bob arrived back from Japan on March 1; their service affirming their Japanese vows was in our church on March 5. Bob's present navy assignment is at the Pentagon - they are living in Alexandria, Va. Needless to say, we have visited both Chicago and Washington D.C. this past year.
We went in to see Mark in both of his performances in June and in September, and also visited them when we were in for a dental meeting in February. We stopped there for a weekend in early June as we headed east to D.C. Spent 4 days with Dawn and Bob, seeing a lot but not nearly everything. We even got good enough to take the metro by ourselves so gave our tour guide a break. That is a fascinating place to visit! Then before heading home, drove with Dawn and Bob up to northern Penn. to see Bob's land. He has about 90 acres, mostly timber and rough land. Penn. is a beautiful state. On our way back to Iowa we drove through the area my great-great- grandfather left to immigrate to Iowa in 1838. Interesting!
July found me trekking back to Washington - Sharon, Pam and I flew out - that's the way to go. Bob's fellow workers could envision his mother-in-law coming to visit, but also her 2 sisters? We had a good time; ready to go again.
The rest of the year has been more or less quiet. Jené is in her senior year of high school. She plans to go to UNI next fall. Arik started at the University here this fall. He's trying a variety of courses - likes music and biology. Is there such a thing as a musical biologist? a biological musician? Vince has kept busy at school - so easy to keep occupied with students and patients, but he also tries to do some research and writing. He likes the variety. I am finishing my year as ALCW president. That has made a few extra meetings, etc.
Pam and Bob and their 2 boys moved to Mankato, Mn. this fall - we plan to go up there after Christmas. Jené however goes to Wash. D.C. between Christmas and New Year's for a high school choir festival.
Weather allowing, Mark and Amy, Dawn and Bob will be joining us for Christmas - that will be fun!
Here it is the same date that I composed my epistle last year. As with all of you and with every year, it has had its ups and downs.
The Nursing Home where Vince's mom lived called us as we got home last Christmas Day, with news that she was not doing well. She lingered until the following Wednesday dying the evening of December 29. Her funeral was the Monday after New Year's in Decorah. We have missed her.
Mark and Amy had an impressive simple wedding ceremony in front of our Christmas tree on January 8. They moved to Chicago the next day. Mark has had some parts in a couple of plays, has been delivering singing telegrams, and auditioning here and there. Amy got a job in her field (her major is in Mass Communications). Their ceremony in Amy's home church in Macomb, Ill., was April 30. She was and is a beautiful bride!
Dawn and Bob arrived back from Japan on March 1; their service affirming their Japanese vows was in our church on March 5. Bob's present navy assignment is at the Pentagon - they are living in Alexandria, Va. Needless to say, we have visited both Chicago and Washington D.C. this past year.
We went in to see Mark in both of his performances in June and in September, and also visited them when we were in for a dental meeting in February. We stopped there for a weekend in early June as we headed east to D.C. Spent 4 days with Dawn and Bob, seeing a lot but not nearly everything. We even got good enough to take the metro by ourselves so gave our tour guide a break. That is a fascinating place to visit! Then before heading home, drove with Dawn and Bob up to northern Penn. to see Bob's land. He has about 90 acres, mostly timber and rough land. Penn. is a beautiful state. On our way back to Iowa we drove through the area my great-great- grandfather left to immigrate to Iowa in 1838. Interesting!
July found me trekking back to Washington - Sharon, Pam and I flew out - that's the way to go. Bob's fellow workers could envision his mother-in-law coming to visit, but also her 2 sisters? We had a good time; ready to go again.
The rest of the year has been more or less quiet. Jené is in her senior year of high school. She plans to go to UNI next fall. Arik started at the University here this fall. He's trying a variety of courses - likes music and biology. Is there such a thing as a musical biologist? a biological musician? Vince has kept busy at school - so easy to keep occupied with students and patients, but he also tries to do some research and writing. He likes the variety. I am finishing my year as ALCW president. That has made a few extra meetings, etc.
Pam and Bob and their 2 boys moved to Mankato, Mn. this fall - we plan to go up there after Christmas. Jené however goes to Wash. D.C. between Christmas and New Year's for a high school choir festival.
Weather allowing, Mark and Amy, Dawn and Bob will be joining us for Christmas - that will be fun!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
'Tis the twelfth of December, in '82 And my list is long, of things to do,
We've already enjoyed hearing from some; And eagerly wait for each mail to come.
So the first on my list to get done next, is the writing and mailing of this little text.
This year has been fun from start to end; it began with Vince really on the mend.
In February, we flew to Tucson, for his 'silver' dental class reunion.
Attended sessions, sat in the sun, remembered classes, faculty, fun;
Renewing friendships of days of yore, and mourning those who are with us no more.
In March, to New Orleans we flew, where Vince read a paper of facts that he knew
Concerning bridges and stresses of mastication, from his article deemed worthy of publication.
The French Quarter, Bourbon Street - sea food dinners, all really neat!
No trips in May, but two graduations, shared with a few of my relations.
Arik from high school his diploma received, with 300 classmates all much relieved.
Mark, from the U. his Master's complete, anxious now to sing for his 'bread and meat.'
I think that in June I just stayed at home. For eight weeks of theater, Mark left for Macomb.
And for his annual fishing excursion, Vince joined Spence on a Canada diversion.
Let me tell you about a jam-packed July. You won't believe it and neither do I.
Vince got home on the third, you know; and off to the Des Moines Airport we go
To meet Peggy, you remember her? She lived with us while attending Luther.
She's attending a Sem. in Ft. Worth; what visiting, giggling, reminisicing and mirth.
She, Vince, I, Dawn, and Jene drove down to Macomb on a Thursday
To see West Side Story, and "Tony" by Mark - such singing and acting, the trip was a lark.
Peg left for Texas, the week too fast ended, while we headed north for a vacation splendid.
Just sis Sharon, her family, Vince and me - a cabin, the lake shore, phone-and-schedule free.
But back to the rat race the following week: again to Macomb, the 'rising star' to seek.
Appearing this time in a supporting role; Once Upon a Mattress the name of the show.
Then to Decorah, the annual Nordic Fest; we stayed with Wangsnesses, accomdations the best.
Dawn got her Master's at U of NI; we surprised her and went - oh me, and oh my!
One more day of July yet to go - back to Macomb to see one more show.
Oklahoma! - it's "Curly" Mark was this time; his acting was good, his singing sublime.
We swam in the pool, stayed over night; met Amy, Mark's friend (I think she's Miss Right).
August has come and things quiet a mite - We took Dawn to C.R. for her Japanese flight.
She's teaching there on an army base - exciting happenings she's had to face.
Met her Mr. Right, married him too; such mysterious moves God only knew.
They'll be coming back to live in D.C., after blessing their civil vows in a church ceremony.
Amy was here to share our Thanksgiving; after Christmas with her, Mark will be living
In Chicago, that marvelous big city, where he hopes to be singing some little ditty.
Amy's moving there, too; she graduates now. A wedding there'll be. Together somehow
They'll interview, audition, and struggle along - she writing an ad, he singing a song.
Still home in the nest is Arik who cooks - he's working full time, saving money for books,
Tuition, room and board, college next fall (too bad he's not good at some kind of ball).
Jené is a junior, studies real hard, in order that her 3 pt. will not be marred.
A special ed. degree she hopes to pursue, to help others who have special needs, too.
We were up home in August, the folks 55th; and back there in September for Dad's 80th.
They'll be coming this way for Christmas this year. We'll all be at Pam's for the Day of good cheer.
Vince's mother still lives, though a year ago now, the dr. had almost given up, but somehow,
She survived the pneumonia, the new broken hip; celebrated her 90th with a smile on her lip.
We visit her often to talk, and of course, with Vince it is likely to be in Old Norse.
Before I stop, just a word not in jest: How about them Hawks? Aren't they the best?
So Christmas is coming with all of its joys, the glittering lights, the jubilant noise.
May God give you His peace, only this season can bring, As we worship togetherHIS SON AND OUR KING!
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S A N D H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !
We've already enjoyed hearing from some; And eagerly wait for each mail to come.
So the first on my list to get done next, is the writing and mailing of this little text.
This year has been fun from start to end; it began with Vince really on the mend.
In February, we flew to Tucson, for his 'silver' dental class reunion.
Attended sessions, sat in the sun, remembered classes, faculty, fun;
Renewing friendships of days of yore, and mourning those who are with us no more.
In March, to New Orleans we flew, where Vince read a paper of facts that he knew
Concerning bridges and stresses of mastication, from his article deemed worthy of publication.
The French Quarter, Bourbon Street - sea food dinners, all really neat!
No trips in May, but two graduations, shared with a few of my relations.
Arik from high school his diploma received, with 300 classmates all much relieved.
Mark, from the U. his Master's complete, anxious now to sing for his 'bread and meat.'
I think that in June I just stayed at home. For eight weeks of theater, Mark left for Macomb.
And for his annual fishing excursion, Vince joined Spence on a Canada diversion.
Let me tell you about a jam-packed July. You won't believe it and neither do I.
Vince got home on the third, you know; and off to the Des Moines Airport we go
To meet Peggy, you remember her? She lived with us while attending Luther.
She's attending a Sem. in Ft. Worth; what visiting, giggling, reminisicing and mirth.
She, Vince, I, Dawn, and Jene drove down to Macomb on a Thursday
To see West Side Story, and "Tony" by Mark - such singing and acting, the trip was a lark.
Peg left for Texas, the week too fast ended, while we headed north for a vacation splendid.
Just sis Sharon, her family, Vince and me - a cabin, the lake shore, phone-and-schedule free.
But back to the rat race the following week: again to Macomb, the 'rising star' to seek.
Appearing this time in a supporting role; Once Upon a Mattress the name of the show.
Then to Decorah, the annual Nordic Fest; we stayed with Wangsnesses, accomdations the best.
Dawn got her Master's at U of NI; we surprised her and went - oh me, and oh my!
One more day of July yet to go - back to Macomb to see one more show.
Oklahoma! - it's "Curly" Mark was this time; his acting was good, his singing sublime.
We swam in the pool, stayed over night; met Amy, Mark's friend (I think she's Miss Right).
August has come and things quiet a mite - We took Dawn to C.R. for her Japanese flight.
She's teaching there on an army base - exciting happenings she's had to face.
Met her Mr. Right, married him too; such mysterious moves God only knew.
They'll be coming back to live in D.C., after blessing their civil vows in a church ceremony.
Amy was here to share our Thanksgiving; after Christmas with her, Mark will be living
In Chicago, that marvelous big city, where he hopes to be singing some little ditty.
Amy's moving there, too; she graduates now. A wedding there'll be. Together somehow
They'll interview, audition, and struggle along - she writing an ad, he singing a song.
Still home in the nest is Arik who cooks - he's working full time, saving money for books,
Tuition, room and board, college next fall (too bad he's not good at some kind of ball).
Jené is a junior, studies real hard, in order that her 3 pt. will not be marred.
A special ed. degree she hopes to pursue, to help others who have special needs, too.
We were up home in August, the folks 55th; and back there in September for Dad's 80th.
They'll be coming this way for Christmas this year. We'll all be at Pam's for the Day of good cheer.
Vince's mother still lives, though a year ago now, the dr. had almost given up, but somehow,
She survived the pneumonia, the new broken hip; celebrated her 90th with a smile on her lip.
We visit her often to talk, and of course, with Vince it is likely to be in Old Norse.
Before I stop, just a word not in jest: How about them Hawks? Aren't they the best?
So Christmas is coming with all of its joys, the glittering lights, the jubilant noise.
May God give you His peace, only this season can bring, As we worship together
M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S A N D H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !
Grandma Blakey,
Grandma Williams,
Grandpa Blakey,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Wednesday, 16 December 1981
Hey, this has been a good year! We have been able to do a lot of fun things, most of them having to do with getting together with family, relatives, and friends.
1. Vince's high school class reunion at Decorah - it is interesting to say the least to see these friends from long ago, some who are seen every once in awhile, some every five years, and in the case of one classmate the first time since graduation.
2. Vince's Johnson Cousin family reunion in Decorah during the Nordic Fest - quite often a relationship like that meets only at funerals. In my family history project, I tried to collect at least the names of all the descendants of Gus Johnson - that was fun, too!
3. A couple of weddings in Decorah - Robyn Thorsten's in July and Joelle Monhardt's in August.
4. An anniversary or two - our 25th we celebrated a couple of times. On the first of Sept. (the actual date) we met the Wangnesses and the Christensons from Decorah at Independence and had dinner together, with much enjoyable conversation. The three men all have September birthdays so it was two celebrations.
On Labor Day weekend, Dawn hosted a celebration here, with my folks and sisters and families. Bob brought a beautiful cake, Dalen brought a beautiful centerpiece; Dawn and Mark sang - the song from Fiddler on the Roof, "Do You Love Me?" All fun!
In September also, the golden wedding anniversary of Vince's uncle and aunt, Bill and Mabel Johnson at Decorah.
5. The usual vacation - this time back to the Brainerd area for a week.
6. Vince's week fishing - this time he and Dalen floating the Madison (I think) in Nontana with Lyle and Steve (Lyle's son-in-law.)
7. A couple of trips to Grinnell - the first to help Joshua celebrate his first birthday, and Ryan his third; the second for Memorial Day. That was when Vince was fishing so it was the kids and I (Pam says that was the first time she had seen me overeat!)
8. Visits - first from my LBI rommate, Annie and her daughter. We talked a mile a minute, I'm sure - we had to, she only stayed over night. The second - Lyle for a weekend while on a business trip out this way.
9. Some exciting 'cultural' events - Leontyne Price, the opera singer, and Ella Fitzgerald, the jazz singer were here at Hancher within a week of each other. Such talent! Then Mark was stand-in for one of the leads in the University production of the opera, Magic Flute. The lead didn't get sick so Mark didn't perform, but he was in the chorus so we went to see it. He had the lead in Oklahoma! put on by Iowa City Community Theater - that was fun. I only went 4 times. Now he has a supporting role in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - we are going to see that on New Year's Eve. That is also by the Community Theater.
There have been some things that weren't fun - the funeral of Paul Strand, our Decorah friend, neighbor and lawyer, whose plane went down over Texas and wasn't found for 6 weeks. We think often of the void in the lives of Joyce and the five kids.
Vince had surgery in October - gall stones. He is back to work full time and doing well. The difficult part was the diagnosing. They didn't show on xray or sonar scan, or any of the tests, so the doctors were hesitant to perform surgery. He felt lousy off and on for a couple of years, and is glad it is behind him.
That's about the year - a couple of business trips for Vince to Chicago and Des Moines, a speaking engagement at Decorah, and oh, showing the Museum and Decorah to a Norwegian family who were here at the U. for six months or so - I guess that's it.
Oh, how could I forget - six home Football Games! HOW ABOUT THEM HAWKS!?!
Do have a merry, merry Christmas - "for unto to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is CHRIST THE LORD!"
Hey, this has been a good year! We have been able to do a lot of fun things, most of them having to do with getting together with family, relatives, and friends.
1. Vince's high school class reunion at Decorah - it is interesting to say the least to see these friends from long ago, some who are seen every once in awhile, some every five years, and in the case of one classmate the first time since graduation.
2. Vince's Johnson Cousin family reunion in Decorah during the Nordic Fest - quite often a relationship like that meets only at funerals. In my family history project, I tried to collect at least the names of all the descendants of Gus Johnson - that was fun, too!
3. A couple of weddings in Decorah - Robyn Thorsten's in July and Joelle Monhardt's in August.
4. An anniversary or two - our 25th we celebrated a couple of times. On the first of Sept. (the actual date) we met the Wangnesses and the Christensons from Decorah at Independence and had dinner together, with much enjoyable conversation. The three men all have September birthdays so it was two celebrations.
On Labor Day weekend, Dawn hosted a celebration here, with my folks and sisters and families. Bob brought a beautiful cake, Dalen brought a beautiful centerpiece; Dawn and Mark sang - the song from Fiddler on the Roof, "Do You Love Me?" All fun!
In September also, the golden wedding anniversary of Vince's uncle and aunt, Bill and Mabel Johnson at Decorah.
5. The usual vacation - this time back to the Brainerd area for a week.
6. Vince's week fishing - this time he and Dalen floating the Madison (I think) in Nontana with Lyle and Steve (Lyle's son-in-law.)
7. A couple of trips to Grinnell - the first to help Joshua celebrate his first birthday, and Ryan his third; the second for Memorial Day. That was when Vince was fishing so it was the kids and I (Pam says that was the first time she had seen me overeat!)
8. Visits - first from my LBI rommate, Annie and her daughter. We talked a mile a minute, I'm sure - we had to, she only stayed over night. The second - Lyle for a weekend while on a business trip out this way.
9. Some exciting 'cultural' events - Leontyne Price, the opera singer, and Ella Fitzgerald, the jazz singer were here at Hancher within a week of each other. Such talent! Then Mark was stand-in for one of the leads in the University production of the opera, Magic Flute. The lead didn't get sick so Mark didn't perform, but he was in the chorus so we went to see it. He had the lead in Oklahoma! put on by Iowa City Community Theater - that was fun. I only went 4 times. Now he has a supporting role in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - we are going to see that on New Year's Eve. That is also by the Community Theater.
There have been some things that weren't fun - the funeral of Paul Strand, our Decorah friend, neighbor and lawyer, whose plane went down over Texas and wasn't found for 6 weeks. We think often of the void in the lives of Joyce and the five kids.
Vince had surgery in October - gall stones. He is back to work full time and doing well. The difficult part was the diagnosing. They didn't show on xray or sonar scan, or any of the tests, so the doctors were hesitant to perform surgery. He felt lousy off and on for a couple of years, and is glad it is behind him.
That's about the year - a couple of business trips for Vince to Chicago and Des Moines, a speaking engagement at Decorah, and oh, showing the Museum and Decorah to a Norwegian family who were here at the U. for six months or so - I guess that's it.
Oh, how could I forget - six home Football Games! HOW ABOUT THEM HAWKS!?!
Do have a merry, merry Christmas - "for unto to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is CHRIST THE LORD!"
Bill Johnson,
Joelle Monhardt,
Mabel Johnson,
Paul Strand,
Robyn Thorsten,
Monday, March 28, 2011
Monday, 15 December
Merry Christmas!
As I write this, I try to picture those of you who haven't heard from us since last year, and to think of what you might want to hear.
Vince finished his specialty degree in May - he is now a Fixed (Crowns and Bridges) Prosthodontist. However, he is still teaching in the Family Practice Dept.; he does enjoy his work and is glad all the book work is done.
Dawn is in her third year of teaching third graders at Osage, Ia. She sent out her own cards this year, but for those of you who didn't hear from her - she made her first large purchase, a 1980 Ford Fairmont. She is working on her Master's, in Education, going to summer school and night classes. She has about half of her hours. She has been looking for a Kindergarten teaching job - she wants to teach them before she goes on to teaching at college level, or whatever.
Mark graduated from Luther in May. He is also in grad. school working on his Master's in vocal performance here at Iowa, and living with us. That's a change - for him as well as for us. We are enjoying it.
Arik is a junior in high school - enjoys band; sings in sr. choir at church with his dad; has a part-time job.
Jené is a freshman (freshwoman?) - a cheerleader; sings in Swing Choir, and in church choir; does a little baby sitting; and thinks, talks, dreams boys.
I have been taking a couple of courses at the U. this semester. The German final is tonight, and the British History final is Wed. a.m. I found out a few things - (about German and Br. Hist. to be sure) I can do it, if the need arises; I don't want to spend my time taking courses; I'm getting back to working on family history.
We vacationed with my sisters and their families in June in the Missouri Ozarks - we had a good time! Vince went fishing in Canada in July - Jené and I, Mom and Dad did some visiting, in N. Minn. and Wisc., of cousins, some of whom we had never met. That's one of the fun things about doing family history - renewing or making new acquaintances. Some I've only written to, and have not yet met - but someday...
The Nordic Fest was again on our itinerary - I hear next year there will be a Johnson cousin reunion during the Fest. We visited friends and relatives in Decorah in October and my sister in Mpls. in November. Now we are looking forward to having my folks, my sisters and families (some year we will get my brother and family in on that) with us for the Holidays.
Vince's mom has been in a Nursing Home here in Iowa City since March when she broke her leg again. She is lonesome for Decorah, and wants to get back. With needing regular dr. checks on her leg, it has been handier to have her here.
God's blessings to you!
Vince and Verla, Mark, Arik and Jené
25 January [1981]
To facilitate answering all who wrote to Lillie during the holiday season, I resort to copies. Lillie was in the hospital over Christmas, released the Monday following, and readmitted a week later. The Dr. gave her about a week to live. But she's a plucky Norwegian and fooled him. Yesterday we took her back to Beverly Manor. She does have congestive heart failure, so her long term prognosis is not good; but the Dr. has her medicine regulated as good as he can, and she feels alot better.
She appreciated hearing from you. She was able to read the letters written with a felt tip marker, and the others we read to her. Please know that she wishes she could answer each of you!
Thank you for remembering her.
As ever,
Vince and Verla
Merry Christmas!
As I write this, I try to picture those of you who haven't heard from us since last year, and to think of what you might want to hear.
Vince finished his specialty degree in May - he is now a Fixed (Crowns and Bridges) Prosthodontist. However, he is still teaching in the Family Practice Dept.; he does enjoy his work and is glad all the book work is done.
Dawn is in her third year of teaching third graders at Osage, Ia. She sent out her own cards this year, but for those of you who didn't hear from her - she made her first large purchase, a 1980 Ford Fairmont. She is working on her Master's, in Education, going to summer school and night classes. She has about half of her hours. She has been looking for a Kindergarten teaching job - she wants to teach them before she goes on to teaching at college level, or whatever.
Mark graduated from Luther in May. He is also in grad. school working on his Master's in vocal performance here at Iowa, and living with us. That's a change - for him as well as for us. We are enjoying it.
Arik is a junior in high school - enjoys band; sings in sr. choir at church with his dad; has a part-time job.
Jené is a freshman (freshwoman?) - a cheerleader; sings in Swing Choir, and in church choir; does a little baby sitting; and thinks, talks, dreams boys.
I have been taking a couple of courses at the U. this semester. The German final is tonight, and the British History final is Wed. a.m. I found out a few things - (about German and Br. Hist. to be sure) I can do it, if the need arises; I don't want to spend my time taking courses; I'm getting back to working on family history.
We vacationed with my sisters and their families in June in the Missouri Ozarks - we had a good time! Vince went fishing in Canada in July - Jené and I, Mom and Dad did some visiting, in N. Minn. and Wisc., of cousins, some of whom we had never met. That's one of the fun things about doing family history - renewing or making new acquaintances. Some I've only written to, and have not yet met - but someday...
The Nordic Fest was again on our itinerary - I hear next year there will be a Johnson cousin reunion during the Fest. We visited friends and relatives in Decorah in October and my sister in Mpls. in November. Now we are looking forward to having my folks, my sisters and families (some year we will get my brother and family in on that) with us for the Holidays.
Vince's mom has been in a Nursing Home here in Iowa City since March when she broke her leg again. She is lonesome for Decorah, and wants to get back. With needing regular dr. checks on her leg, it has been handier to have her here.
God's blessings to you!
Vince and Verla, Mark, Arik and Jené
25 January [1981]
To facilitate answering all who wrote to Lillie during the holiday season, I resort to copies. Lillie was in the hospital over Christmas, released the Monday following, and readmitted a week later. The Dr. gave her about a week to live. But she's a plucky Norwegian and fooled him. Yesterday we took her back to Beverly Manor. She does have congestive heart failure, so her long term prognosis is not good; but the Dr. has her medicine regulated as good as he can, and she feels alot better.
She appreciated hearing from you. She was able to read the letters written with a felt tip marker, and the others we read to her. Please know that she wishes she could answer each of you!
Thank you for remembering her.
As ever,
Vince and Verla
Grandma Blakey,
Grandma Williams,
Grandpa Blakey,
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