Monday afternoon
December 7, 1970
Today as I sit before my typewriter preparing to write our annual Christmas letter I look at the date and see that it is "Remember Pearl Harbor" Day. And it reminds me as we enter Advent season and approach Christmas, our slogan should be to remember Jesus Christ. Remember He whose birth we celebrate; Remember Him - the greatest of all gifts! And as we give our gifts and receive others' gifts, to do so in His Spirit of Love. Merry Christmas!
We don't have a big trip to a lovely island or a far-off paradise to tell you about this year. Our travels last summer were only as far as Brainerd for a two-week stay at a cottage on a lake. We have been spending the past year traveling - in our area - sharing our slides and experiences of the previous summer. In fact, we still, have a couple of engagements to fill in the next two months. Each time we show them and tell about Anguilla it is almost like going back again. Our summer's experiences on the island have followed us in a peculiar way. Luther College has granted to Eleanor (Peggy) Bynoe, an Anguillan, a scholarship; and so she is enrolled as a freshman at the College. Several organizations and individuals have helped contribute to her support. We are trying to be her family away from home - so we see her quite often. She shares with us her good news as well as her bad. Peggy is quite a singer and has been doing some solo work when her studies permit. She will be with us this Thursday to sing for our ALCW Christmas party.
Each year brings some gladness, some sorrow, it seems. My younger brother, Averland, passed away last March - he had suffered with lung cancer for about a year - and we grieve our loss at his death. But we are comforted by being able to be with him some of his last three weeks (as he was hospitalized in Minneapolis) and by knowing that he died in peace, realizing that Jesus Christ is the Forgiver of all sins and the Giver of eternal life.
Otherwise, we are pretty much the same. We see Vince's oldest brother, Spence, and his family, every once in a while. Steve was confirmed in October, so we were to Mason City to help him observe that. Vince was one of Steve's sponsors at Baptism. Lyle, Vince's other brother, was here for a visit Memorial Day weekend and it was so good to visit with him again. Thinking of my brother being gone now, it seems more important to get together with one's family - we just never know about tomorrow. Vince's folks are much the same. They still live in the apartment down the block from us and get along as well as we can expect. We try to get to Windom to visit my folks, but the trips are short and sweet and not as often as we'd (I'd) like. It is fun when we are all there - and we plan to be again during the Holidays.
Our children are growing up faster than we would like to admit - Dawn is a teenager now and in eighth grade. She is involved in so many things - piano, flute, Girl Scouts, 2nd year confirmation. And she is beginning to notice that maybe boys aren't all nuisances. Mark is almost as busy but he has dropped Boy Scouts. He started on the trombone, so he also quit the piano. But he was manager for the 7th grade football team, and is now on the 7th grade basketball team, and in 1st year confirmation. Arik is 6 and in the first grade. He is so enthused since he now can read. Jené is 4 and anxiously waiting for next year so she can go to kindergarten. She goes to Wednesday Church School so she doesn't feel completely left out. She still checks at Mayo every 6 months, and is doing fine.
I am still principal of the Wed. Church School, have been Bible Study leader in my circle, and served on the nominating committee for ALCW (I think that is almost as bad as being president). Vince is resting a year from Sr. Choir but is still teaching 10th grade boys in the Hi School Bible Dept. They have a really, going department. He belongs to the Lions, and to Symra, a local literary society, and with his dental groups keeps busy. His latest excitement is his motorcycle. He bought a Honda 350 this fall and really enjoys it. He is the envy of all the neighborhood kids and they have all had rides. He stlll hunts and fishes and both Mark and Arik like to go along. In fact, we all go fishing. You should have seen Jené's face when we were out fishing once while on vacation. She was pulling in one bluegill after another and having a ball. And if you ask her yet, "Who is the best fisherman of all?" she will answer, "Me!"
As ever,
Vince and Verla,
Dawn, Mark, Arik and Jené
This blog contains copies of Christmas letters beginning in 1962 written by my mother, Verla (Blakey) Williams. They contain a wealth of family history and are included as a sidelight to the genealogy blogs listed in the blog roll.
Verla Williams

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