Monday, March 14, 2011


This comes with some second thoughts this year. I've read articles, and some of these sarcastic, about the annual Christmas "brag sheet" and I began to wonder if I should send out a beautiful Christmas card instead. As you can see, I decided on the annual letter (because I owe so many anyway) and hope it isn't a brag sheet but just a grateful chronicle of some of our happenings.

I'm not sure everything will be listed in the order of their importance but this first one certainly is. Our fourth child (and second daughter) was born June 2 and is by now a healthy and happy six-month-old. She is good now (after the colicky spell) and so enjoyed by the other three. Her baptism was the weekend after the Fourth of July when my aunt and uncle, Bruce and Ella Graves and cousin Elaine and my brother Gordon and his wife Shirley were down to be her godparents and sponsors. We had a real nice weekend! Pam, my littlest - well, my youngest sister came along and stayed on with us for three weeks. Then Elaine came back to spend part of her vacation (?) with us. They both got used to me, saying, "Give the baby her bottle," before they went back home. Elaine even lengthened all the hems on Dawn's dresses so they were ready for school. That's the kind of company to have, huh?!

Arik who is now 2 1/2 is full of it. He is such a tease and doesn't mind being teased back. He is a favorite with everyone (except his mom at times) - enjoys his uncle Spence and still talks about his uncle Lyle's visit here; Grandpa & Grandma Blakey would come to visit with him every day if he could manage it. Just lately he has been enthralled with Pastor Kappelmann, only he calls him master.

Mark is in third grade this year and still likes school. He talks most about football and baseball and basketball, so I would guess his favorite subjects are phys ed and recess. Dawn is a busy one - is in 4th grade and this year goes to a different school than Mark. She is in Girl Scouts, and is taking piano lessons. Both Dawn and Mark do a lot of reading and so with a little time for just playing or watching TV cartoons, their days go by quickly.

Vince's routine and schedule is pretty much the same. I don't think his practice has changed much in the last year, except that he is a little farther behind. His dental hygenist doesn't work every [day] part time anymore. He took a post-graduate course in Endo at Iowa City (three days [in] the middle of November) and also took in the lectures during Homecoming - Oct. 21-22. (I went along for the parade and the game). Sthe[?] State Meeting in Des Moines and the District meetings both spring and fall also help him to keep up with the new. He is considering going to Chicago in February, for the Midwinter Meeting.

Vince hasn't done much hunting, and didn't do as much fishing as he would like to (naturally) though he did go on the annual excursion to Canada. Our vacation was spent on the farm with my folks. The kids especially loved it and Vince and I appreciated the relaxation. Of course, I was still getting up at six with Jené, Mom and Dad probably had to take a vacation after we left.

I've been the lucky one this year. Our living room, dining room, and kitchen needed redecoration. The paper was dirty, torn and colored upon. We decided to panel the walls, paint the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator, get new kitchen floor covering, and install a dishwasher. I have certainly enjoyed that! It was a messy two weeks or month, but we were lucky enough to get it done just before the baby was born. (In fact, three hours before she made her grand entrance into this world, Vince and I were hanging dining room curtains without a suspicion that this was the day).

This coming year promises to be a more involved one - Vince is still teaching in the Bethel Bible Series, and singing in the church choir. I am going to be chairman for the Hospital Auxiliary Unit, Circle Bible Study leader and captain of the bowling team. I still have two units to take in Bethel so will try to finish that up this year, too.

If you are ever in this vicinity, stop in and see us. We love having company.

May you have a blessed Christmas and a worthwile year to come.


Vince and Verla
Dawn, Mark, Arik, and Jené

Sunday, March 13, 2011



It is Christmas letter time again - I'm later at it this year - deer hunting season is over. Vince went out one day but it was so foggy that he couldn't see a thing so he came home early. The rest of his deer hunting spent lying around the house with flu. His hunting this fall has been minimal - very few pheasants (we're told) and he's been after squirrels only once or twice.

This has been a busy year (aren't they all?) and these last few weeks seem especially so. Vince has finished the Bethel teacher trainee course, and in November the first unit was offered to the congregation. Vince was one of the teachers teaching this unit, which finished this past Wednesday. He is also teaching the next unit which will start in January. He finds that he puts almost as much time in preparation for teaching each hour as he did on his lessons himself. But it is worth it - I hear from members of his class that he is a good teacher. I find it hard to find enough "quiet" hours in the week to get the reading and memorizing done. There are so many things I put aside to do while Arik is napping that his nap times just don't reach to everything.

Now I don't want you to get the idea that Arik is a bad boy. It's just that he is a typical 21-month old boy who loves to climb, loves to play with the vacuum cleaner, loves to help with the dishes, with the baking, and most anything else he can get his fingers into. But he has such an endearing smile when scolded for doing something he shouldn't be doing; and he really feels like he is being such a big help. He even looks like a Dennis the Menace - I can't keep his "rooster tail" down, no matter how many times a day I comb his hair.

Mark and Dawn are busy in school. Dawn is in third grade this year and Mark is in second. Dawn is in Brownies and will be starting piano lessons after the first of the year. We've just gotten a second-hand piano, and Dawn is practicing at it when I come down to make breakfast in the mornings. (Every time I sit down to play, Arik is there to help me, and to sing along. His favorite songs are Jesus Loves Me, Away in a Manger, and Brahm's Lullaby.)

The week of Iowa's heat wave this summer past we were vacationing at a cottage on Spirit Lake. Every time we got too hot for comfort, we took a dip in the lake. The kids especially enjoyed it, swimming morning, noon and night. They really practiced what they'd learned in their swimming lessons. The week following the three kids went to visit Grandpa and Grandma Blakey on the farm while Vince and I spent our time in Madison, Wisc., attending a session for Bethel Teacher Trainees. It was a concentrated week of many hours of classes taught by Pastor Swiggum, mostly on teaching principles. It was an interesting, beneficial, and enjoyable week.

Arik spent ten days on Grandpa's farm later this fall. He really has a ball as do Grandpa and Grandma. He loves to be outdoors and follow Grandpa around - helping feed the cattle, pigs, and chickens. I was busily doing my fall housecleaning while he was gone, and what I didn't get done then still isn't done.

We have taken our usual trips throughout the year - the state dental meeting in Des Moines in May, the Iowa City homecoming in October and Vince's fishing trip (unproductive) to Canada in late September. Vince's folks so willingly come over and stay with the kids when we take these jaunts.

Vince did some work in his dental operatories this spring. He has a new reclining chair, new cabinets, and new unit in one operatory. The other one was left pretty much the same, except for the new tile on the floor, and a fresh paint job on the walls and woodwork. He feels he is pretty well equipped now to do dentistry efficiently and effectively.

May the meaning of Christmas be deeper, and its hopes brighter is our prayer for you this year.


Vince, Verla, Dawn, Mark and Arik

Saturday, March 12, 2011


December 9, 1964


Another year has gone since I last sat at my typewriter and crystallized my thoughts to you - many of you who only hear from us at this time of year. It has been a full year, as they all are to everybody, but somehow I haven't felt the rush, rush, rush, I have before. And I think it's because I have finally convinced myself that I don't have to get everything done today. The work will still be here to do tomorrow; and if tomorrow doesn't come, then it is of even less consequence that I get it done today. Maybe that's just a good cover-up for my procrastination.

Our most momentous event of the year, I'm sure, was the birth of another son Arik Michael, on March 19. I don't know which of us enjoys him the most. Dawn and Mark think he is just the most special, an opinion which will soon come to an end. Arik is beginning to crawl, slide, push himself backwards and rollover to get into the delightful looking magazines, books, toys and anything left in his reach. With my new philosophy, I have probably held and rocked him more than I did the other two; and with his ready smile for his Daddy every time he sees Vince, he too has immensely enjoyed him. Arik knows he can get a smile and word of praise for his "hands-above-his-head-so-big," his "patty-cake," "nice-mommy-pat on my face" and his sing-songy "ah, ah, aaaah."

Because of our new-born, I have not had any job or office in any organization this year, but support Circle, ALCW [American Lutheran Church Women], Hospital Unit only by my presence. Vince is more involved - he is taking the Bethel Bible Series at church which takes six to ten hours of studying here at home besides the two-hour meeting each week. He really enjoys it, though. And with his monthly Lions meeting and Dental Study Club meetings he is gone as much as he cares to be. Dawn has started Brownies and likes it. She is in second grade, or it should be called second year primary. Her teacher seems to be real good and impresses on those 7-year olders quite a lot of our current events which at first surprised me. The day Dawn brought home a booklet on Dr. Paul Carlson sadly explaining to us that he was a missionary in Africa killed by the Simbas is one example. Mark is in first year primary and is probably giving his teacher gray hairs. He is such an active livewire. I have said many times that he never learned to walk - he runs, skips or hops or jumps. He likes school and has several new friends and playmates - so his world is widening.

Vince's trip to Canada this fall wasn't too productive as far as the fish were concerned. Now he is looking forward to this weekend and the deer hunting season hoping for a little more success. Next weekend he takes off for Minneapolis to attend a refresher course on Periodontia at the University of Minnesota. That should round out his year of meetings. He went to Oelwein and Dubuque district meetings and the Des Moines state meeting. This is the first year since we moved back to Iowa that I didn't go along to the State meeting, but I just felt too indispensable to my six-week-old son.

My mother graciously took all three of the kids for a week this summer. They really enjoy visiting the farm (though every so often they show themselves off as "dumb city kids.") And mom was even willing to keep the baby longer though we didn't let her. Oh yes, Vince and I spent that week at Gull Lake near Brainerd. I'm not a fisherwoman but Vince can't say that I didn't try. Up at six or so every morning and out baiting those hooks (I actually used artificial lures - no squirmy worms) till 9 or 10 o'clock. Then some napping, sun bathing, swimming until late afternoon when out we went again until dark. It was very poor fishing, too hot. Mom came down a weekend in October so that Vince and I could go to the Iowa homecoming. Iowa lost but it was an interesting game to watch - a lot of passing and funbles or interceptions. We anticipate being in Windom for Christmas Day and the weekend, if the weather is good.

May we all hear the voice of Jesus as He comes to us this Christmas season.


Friday, March 11, 2011


December 9, 1963


Looking back at last year's letter, I see that I wrote that on the same date. What a rut! Or maybe it is just that I'm so well organized.

Dawn and Mark are so excited about so many things this time of the year. It's just fun to listen to them bubble, and tiresome at times answering all the questions. Dawn is in first year primary at school, learning how to read, do her numbers, and print. She is doing just fine. Her big excitement at the moment is the school Christmas program which the Grandmas and Mamas are invited to observe - she sings a solo; she has a sweet voice and quite a bit of musical ability - all inherited from her Daddy. Mark's excitement seems to be new every day. Today it is that we are going to put together our "Christmas train" which holds our Christmas cards, but it is so hard to wait until Dawn gets home from school. Tomorrow it will be something else.

Next Sunday is our Sunday School Christmas services at church. The Primary Dept. is again part of the morning worship service, and I for one will be relieved when it is over. The 100 students have really learned their songs this year, though, so I'm hoping that they sing them on Sunday. Mark's is in the afternoon.

Being principal of the Primary Dept. of S.S. and Devotional Leader in my Circle has been the extent of my activities at church this year. This is Vince's third and last year as a Trustee. It has been a busy year for him, too. The church bought new pews and floor covering and, with a project like that in progress there is always extra things to be done.

We have been on the go some this year, too. The last week of June and the first week of July we locked the office doors, and drove out to Salt Lake City to visit Vince's brother, Lyle and family. We had such a nice time and saw so many interesting things. While there, Vince and Lyle drove to south Utah for a fishing trip up in the mountains. It was so cold they slept in every bit of clothes they had with them, but they came home with about 30 nice trout. On our way home, we took the long way and drove through the Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. We stayed in Jackson, Wyoming one night and in Cody, Wyo. another night. Beautiful country!

I spent a week this last summer visiting my folks at Windom. It was such fun to go gadding every day and visit with so many old (of long standing) friends that I just don't get a chance to see on our short weekend jaunts. Think Mom and I just about wore Dawn and Mark out, but every day they were game to go visit someone else.

Besides trips to the Mississippi for fishing, and of course, to the local trout streams Vince took a long weekend the first weekend in October and with three other fishing enthusiasts drove up to Kenora, Canada. Then they boated about thirty miles further into the wilds and fished for three days and came back with quite a bit of northern pike. Vince caught the biggest one - the way I hear it is that he caught four that together weighed 37 pounds, the biggest one was 11 1/2 pounds. He hasn't done too well at pheasant hunting this fall, but he again has a deer license so next weekend he hopes to get a deer. We again went to the State Dental Convention in Des Moines last spring, the Dental District Meeting in Dubuque in September, Homecoming at Iowa City in October, plus Vince spent a couple of days at the Minnesota University taking in a dental seminar.

We are thankful to God for His bountiful blessings another year - we have had no serious illinesses or accidents. Business has been good - in fact Vince has hired a dental hygenist to help him take care of the many patients he has. Now we are looking forward to the birth of our third child - expected about the end of March. Time will tell if we will go to the Midwinter Meeting in Chicago in February, or at least if I will be able to go.

May the Christ who laid in the Cradle, the Christ who died on the Cross, the Christ who wore the Crown of Victory over death fill you with His joy and peace.


Thursday, March 10, 2011


December 9, 1962


We are echoing the words of so many, "Where has this year gone?" As I write this Vince is out hunting - hoping to get a couple of pheasants. Next weekend he is going to try for a deer, being lucky enough to get one of the 10,000 deer licenses that are issued in Iowa. We've had a couple of pheasant dinners this fall, plus a few squirrel dinners, and quite a bit of trout through the summer. Vince likes to excuse his many hunting or fishing excursions with, "I've got to furnish meat for the table." (It all tastes good!)

As the weather finally turns cold, we remember with pleasure our vacation trip to Texas last February. Leaving Iowa in a blizzard (it took us 2 1/2 days to get to the Missouri Border) and coming back to Decorah in a blizzard, the week we spent in Harlingen with temperatures every day of 88 and 90 was really a treat. The kids even played in the Gulf of Mexico; and Vince got one of the worst sunburns he can remember, on an afternoon fishing trip. We enjoyed so much seeing quite a few of those we knew when Vince was stationed there, and especially enjoyed the hospitality of the Daniel family - Pastor, Margaret, Becca & Dave.

Another memorable week was spent along with a family from Decorah at a cabin on the Mississippi near Cass Lake and Bemidji, Minnesota, the middle part of August. It was a poor time of the year for fishing, though the men tried early and late every day; but it was really relaxing for the womenfolk to have nothing to do but see that the meals were made and the children watched. Our schedule was so different - breakfast at ten in the morning, dinner or lunch at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, and supper about 9:30 or 10 in the evening. But even that was fun!

The rest of the year has been spent in busyness in home, church and community. Vince has been Chairman of the Board of Trustees at church, and so has been real concerned with the business end of the church. Starting this fall, I'm principal of the Primary Dept. of Sunday School. We have 12 teachers, 12 substitutes and about 100 students in our department. Next, Sunday we are giving our Christmas presentation as a part of the second morning worship service. I hope it sounds better than it did at practice today.

About once a month or so, we try to get up to Windom, Minnesota, to see Grandma & Grandpa Blakey. The kids really have fun on the farm. Mark was out helping Grandma pick eggs one day. How was he to know he wasn't supposed to drop them in the basket. And then to climb the elevator into the hay loft - that is really an adventure. And if Grandpa wonders where the corn disappears to - Mark has been feeding the pigs. They're hungry! Poor Grandpa - he has to keep an eye on them - these city kids just aren't used to things on a farm!

Vince and I went to the State Dental Convention in Des Moines, the Dental District Meeting in Dubuque, Homecoming at Iowa City; we also spent a weekend in Des Moines in November with Art & Marge Cahalan, an exciting weekend considering Mark needed three stitches in his upper lip - he fell against the door. Now we are planning, weather permitting, to attend the Midwinter Meeting in Chicago in February. We really appreciate living in the same town as Grandpa and Grandma Williams, and their willingness to stay with the kids on these weekends. Needless to say, the kids really enjoy it - Grandpa always has some licorice in a pocket.

Why mamas get gray? On July 4, Mark fell out of the car as I was turning into our driveway - luckily he had sense enough to grab hold of the arm rest and hang on till I got the car stopped. And I really aged on August 27. Dawn had her 5th birthday on August 26, and the next day tripped gaily off to kindergarten. She enjoys it so much. Mark started Sunday School in September so he too says he "is getting big." They have their Christmas program next Sunday afternoon, so we have been learning the little songs and finger plays that they will be using. Dawn found out today that she will be an angel and is quite thrilled. Mark will be in the little "choir."

May Christ, the light of the World, whose birth we are remembering fill you with His joy and peace now and throughout the year to come.
