Mom turned 90 this year and Dad 89. So thankful to still have them in our lives. Below is the card and letter we received this year.
Verla Williams

Thursday, December 22, 2022
Friday, December 31, 2021
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
December 2, 2020
I hope the year of the Covid 19 finds you all healthy and wise. Verla and l have been very fortunate in that we have not contracted the disease or other serious illnesses. Thank God for all His blessings this past year. The independent housing facility that we live in, shut down Mar. 9th for visitors, and restricted many privileges for us so that has been a bummer. The praise band at the local church that I played bass with also shut down so the band has not played a service and we have not attended church services since then. We have worshiped online at Concordia San Antonio where Dawn and Bob worship.
Our family increased by one in March when Lily Boyd was born to Andrew and Samantha Boyd of San Antonio TX. Dawn and Bob were very happy with the new addition as were we.
We were able to make many trips to Decorah to our apartment this past year so we were very thankful for that. We were able to see many old friends such as Norma W. and Karen B. old neighbors of ours when we lived in Decorah. Verla quilted and I read a lot as we enjoyed our old haunts. Mark, our son and his daughter Roslyn joined us in July for a few days at Decorah about Nordic Fest time so that was a lot of fun.
Verla continues her passion of quilting by making and designing quilts for Lutheran World Relief and zooming with her buddies down at Zion Lutheran every Wed. morning for a few hours. Since Covid 19, they have not been willing to meet at church in fear of catching the dreaded disease.
Vince has been busy writing his third paper on the Eucharist. He has had an interest in the subject of Holy Communion for many years and the last paper is about the meaning of the words of institution and how they may be interpreted. So a literature review of two theologians who described the views of the patristic fathers up to the age of the reformers in Europe in the 1400 to 1500's was assessed and summarized in a paper to compile the views of learned people for two thousand years. It isn't exhaustive but is a snapshot view of what Christians have thought and recorded for many years. If any of you are interested I can send you an e-mail copy of what I found. It is entitled: THE EUCHARIST: IGNATIUS TO ZWINGLI.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year,
Vince and Verla
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Dear Mark and Junel and Roslyn;
Here it is the last of November and it is about time to start thinking about what happened to us this last year. At our age the days seem to melt into one another so it is a little more difficult to sort some of the events apart. But I suppose that I need to take a stab at it.
As starters at the beginning of the year we were notified that Gordon had died, (Verla's brother), so we went to Brighton CO on January 3rd for his funeral on the 4th and then spent a few days at Erie, CO with Steve and Kathy Williams before heading back to Iowa City. Steve is my nephew and it is always nice to get together with them and talk about old times.
Dawn and Bob always come to visit us on our birthdays so they came up for Verla's birthday on April 28th and mine on the 6th of September so we got to see them and visit and find out what is happening with their family which is growing. It appears that we will have a new great grandchild early next year as Samantha and Andrew are awaiting a new arrival.
On July 3rd we had a momentous occurrence happen as we decided to leave our home of 42 years and move to independent living at Legacy Retirement Complex in east Iowa City, IA. Thankfully our children had pity on us old goofers and came to help us get rid of a 42 year old collection of stuff. UFFDA! ! ! Without their help I don't know how it would have come about. We seem to be settled in now and think that it was the right thing to do. Even though we are still in relatively good health it seemed too much to take care of the old place on 2 acres of land.
What's not to like if the meals are prepared and they clean the place two times a month. Leaves us more time to do what we want to do and not what we have to do. It's like being on vacation the year around. What's wrong with that?
Verla still sews quilt tops for the needy at our local church and I still play bass guitar in the Praise Band at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. Still ride my e-bike occasionally and try to exercise and stay limber. We still attend concerts by Orchestra Iowa and some concerts at Hancher and also some dinner theater at Circa 21 in Moline IL.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May God continue to bless you all this coming year so that you may be a witness to all who need the Lord.
[NOTE: Underneath this in Dad's handwriting was the following: Love you all – Have a great Christmas and New Year. Mom and Dad]
Saturday, December 22, 2018
With some music on the FM for background and the sun shining in the window at 4333 Pine Ridge Trail I will try to remember some of the highlights of the year for Verla and me.
She usually writes this letter and is so good at it that I feel that my attempt to take her place will end in total failure so if you will bear with me I will try to utter a few thoughts.
Last Christmas we spent in San Antonio, TX with Dawn and her family, and Heather and Andrew with their families. Except both of us being ill on Dec. 24, 25, and 26 the time spent there was most enjoyable. Heather and Andrew had two young boys that kept things lively. Their weather in Dec. and Jan. is usually a bit more tolerable that what we are used to in Iowa.
In July, Mark and Roslyn came to Decorah to see and participate in the annual Nordic Fest at the end of the month. Roslyn and Verla marched in the Parade of Flags that opened the Fest. Sharon, Verla's sister, and Verla each modeled a bunad, (folk costume) that she had acquired when she was in Norway years ago, to be in the Bunad Show in Decorah. Roslyn modeled a child's costume with Grandma and Sharon and of course they were all stunning to behold. Arik and Stacie and their three girls, Kaelyn, Amaya, and Lauren also decided to attend Nordic Fest this year. This was their 1st time at Nordic Fest and they said they had a blast and want to do it again next year. All that Norse food and music and dancing in the streets were really fun for them. They even danced a turn or two with Grandpa Vince on the street to a polka. They also explored all the haunts that Arik was used to when he was a kid growing up there.
Then in Sept. Vince celebrated his 85th birthday, so Arik, Dawn and Bob, and John and Jene all were so kind as to come for a long weekend and help him realize that he is now considered one of the older old. A term we learned at a Senior College Course on "Mild Cognitive Decline and Dementia" which we just finished a week ago. If you are up there in age you need to know what they are talking about when they refer to you in a specific category. Before that I thought I was just getting older. So now Verla and I are at the peak of oldness. Verla continues her love of quilting with her Wed. group at Zion Luth. and I still play bass guitar in the praise band at Our Redeemer Luth. which give us much fun and camaraderie.
In closing, Verla and I wish to give thanks to our gracious God and Savior for the many years that He has given us together and we wish all of you a Very Blessed Christmas and A Happy New Year.
V & V
Verla and Vince
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
It doesn't seem possible that it is time to send Christmas cards again. My, how time flies (when you're having fun). We have had many enjoyable weeks or weekends throughout the year.

Arik and Stacie and their three girls (Kaelyn, Amaya, Lauren) visited us a week in August, and Dawn and Bob came to visit the first week in September. We enjoyed each of those visits.
So for other activities: I take part in quilting every Wednesday at Zion putting quilts together–top, filler & back–and then they are tied and bound; the finished quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief. I also make quilt tops at home from material given to me which has been donated to the church.
Hancher Auditorium Events and Orchestra Iowa Concerts;
University of Iowa Dental College dinners;
Vince's Dental Class (1957) 60th Homecoming Weekend;
Vince plays with the Praise Band at church usually a couple of times a month;
Visited with brother Gordon from Denver when he was back to Minnesota for his annual family visits;
And so the year goes by!
Now we look forward to spending Christmas and New Year's with Dawn and Bob and family in San Antonio. We will meet great grandson Abraham (parents–Andrew and Samantha) whose first birthday was in October, and will reacquaint ourselves with great grandson Grayson (parents–Heather and Xav) who is about 9 months.
Merry Christmas! For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life!
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Christmas tree (Iowa City, IA, 2016). Image courtesy of Vincent Williams.
December 17, 2016
Dear Ones,
Last year at this time we were in San Antonio with Dawn and Bob and their family for Christmas and New Year's; a marked difference from this year in Iowa City where it is snowing and the temp is dropping to below zero tonight. But you know what? We are alive and still kicking after all those years that God has allowed us to be on this earth.
In March we returned to San Antonio to spend spring break with Arik, Stacie and the girls at Dawn's and Heather's. Their association has a pool so we spent some time relaxing at the pool. The girls, Kaelyn, Amaya, and Lauren are now a junior in high school, an 8th grader and a 6th grader respectively. They are really nice girls, but of course we are prejudiced.
Of course, in April the infamous Blakey girls met in Decorah to spend a few days at the apartment and reminisce about times past and look into what's great about Decorah, and/or the area round about.
July found all of our family here for a long weekend to help us celebrate our 60th wedding anniversary. Whoever would have thought that God would allow us to have so many years together. We are truly blessed with four children, eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
The end of July found us back in Decorah for the annual Nordic Fest. Sharon showed up to help the celebration by wearing the bunad from North Osterdalen and Verla wore the one from Akershus in the bunad show. They behaved themselves and looked very stylish as they modeled the attire with great aplomb.
Then we did something really different as we spent from Aug. 29-Sept. 1st at Mt. Carmel Bible Camp to celebrate the exact date of our marriage at the Bible Camp that Verla went to when she was a teenager. We had a great time and met some old friends of Verla's and made some new ones as well.
Verla continues to lead a Bible study at church and then spends quality time with friends making quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Vince continues to play bass with the praise band at church and trying to keep up with the work that is involved with living on two acres of land. Hancher Auditorium was completed this fall so we have heard some wonderful musical and ballet events.
May God continue to bless you all this Christmas Season and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
All our love,
Vince and Verla
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Dear Mark and Junel,
May you have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! It is difficult to know where to start - so many who are on my Christmas Card list are also on my e-mail list. So what I write here, you may have already read.
But a review:
We drove to northern Pennsylvania the end of May to see grandson Andrew and to meet his bride, Samantha; and of course to see the rest of the Boyd family. We won't be driving east to visit Dawn and Bob any more - they have moved to San Antonio, TX and live quite close to Heather and Xav. We plan to drive down to see them over the holidays.
In June, we flew to Reno (Carson City) to visit Mark and family. He and Roslyn were in the show, Beauty and the Beast. Roslyn was the little cup with a chip. She's a budding actress. It was fun to see that.
Arik and his family came here in March (their spring break) for a visit. It is so much fun to see those 3 granddaughters “growing up.”
BrandiAnne graduated from the community college in Mason City in May, so we were up there to see her graduation. She is now enrolled at the University of Northern Iowa.
And we have been to Traer a few times - in October for J.T.'s confirmation where we heard the best confirmation sermon ever. The Archbishop spoke directly to the “kids” and he had them listening!
We were up there again for Thanksgiving and J.T.'s birthday, right on the day!
And of course, several times to Decorah: Nordic Fest, etc.
We've barely just begun to think about starting to go through files and drawers to see what should be given away or trashed or whatever. It was about August 1989 when we got a computer and printer and I wrote my weekly-or-so letter to the kids, sending each of them a copy. I found files of those copies I had made for me, too, the other day. I've started reading through them - wow! I think they go through 1998. Uffda! So that must have been when we started using e-mail.
Something I have done is made a computer file of the letters I wrote from Norway the semester Vince spent there doing research. My sister Sharon had shared them with others but asked for them back and saved them for me. And just the other day, I found the diary I kept the summer the family spent on Anguilla, where Vince did some dentistry. There was no dentist on the island. Maybe I should publish?
Anyway, have a blessed Christmas!
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Verla Williams. Christmas Letter (2014). Image courtesy of Mark D. Williams.
December 2014
Dear Mark and Junel,
It's always fun to have some firsts. One of the firsts we enjoyed this year was a trip to Minot, N.D. for their annual Norsk Hostfest the first part of October. We heard Dr. Severinsen, Gaither Vocal Band, and Daniel O'Donnell. That's a long drive!
For the first time, I went to the 65th reunion of my high school graduation in Windom, Mn. We are still quite a few that come but a few less than 5 years ago. Of course, the 65th never happened before.
For the first time, we surprised Arik on his 50th birthday. Dawn had arranged the trip - and he was shocked. Of course, his 50th never happened before.
Of course, there some of the usual things: the Nordic Fest in Decorah and other weekends up there; we three sisters get-together; Dawn and Bob's visit - they stretched it from Dawn's birthday, through our anniversary to Vince's birthday.
Vince still enjoys playing his base guitar with the Praise Band. He counted up that he had played 26 times this year, so that's about every other week. However, he is entirely retired from the College of Dentistry. I think he misses talking with the fellow professors, but we are invited to various doings so he still gets that opportunity.
The Bible Study and the quilting at church still occupy my time. We are thankful for good health and still able to stay in our home. We wish for you Christmas blessings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
[signed] Dad and Mom
P.S. Any packages that arrive in the mail should be put under the tree.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Another year has gone by and it's been a good one! We are both in good health, just a little slower, just sit a little more, just nap a little more.
Vince has officially re-retired. He has gone in one day a week as an adjunct professor for about 15 years but decided now was the time to quit. There seems to be enough jobs around here to keep him busy.
We still keep our apartment in Decorah (we go north for the summer) though we did move. An apartment across the way from ours became available so we took that one. It is a 2 bedroom so we now have room for guests. Come see us.
There have been a few trips this year. The most memorable one was to celebrate Vince's 80th birthday. We gathered the whole family for a week in July at a light house keeper's cottage that has been restored and is rented out by the Calvert County, MD, Museum. It is right on Chesapeake Bay - the light house is still in operation, but not the keeper's cottage. It can be divided in half, so 2 unrelated families can use or it can be opened up. It holds 14; we were 19, but lucky for us, Dawn lives about 20 minutes from there so they drove down each day. The times to have everyone free to get together are not very often, so it is extra special when it happens.
Other trips: twice to Mankato, for 'family reunions' - once the usual end of June and the second in July when brother Gordon was there from Denver.
A trip to the Maryland area in the spring to see Heather receive her promotion to Lt. Commander- yes, she still is in the Navy and stationed at Fort Belvoir Army Hospital.
We went to Hayward, Wl for a visit with a colleague at his cabin on the lake. He says we can use it anytime.
Oh, and to Carson City to visit 6 year old Roslyn and while we were there we watched Mark play the part of Javert in Les Miz at their Community College.
We have also had visitors: Dawn and Bob from Maryland, Sharon, Jessica and boys from Mpls. and Duluth, Karlene and Ed Krisker from Minnesota seeking Roe family info--our 4x great grandfathers were brothers; Pam and Tom with Sharon and Dalen, Steve and Kathy from Denver. Not all at the same time, you understand.
Vince plays once or twice a month in the praise band at Our Redeemer. He bought himself an acoustic bass guitar last fall. I keep busy with LWR quilting and Bible study.
As to the grandchildren: I already mentioned Heather; her brother, Andrew lives in Richmond VA and has a job using computers (we call him when we need help) - they are Dawn's 'kids.'
And I mentioned Mark's daughter, Roslyn - she is in first grade.
Then Arik's: Kaelyn is 13, in 8th grade; Amaya is 10, soon to be 11 and in 5th grade and Lauren is 8 and in 3rd grade.
Jené's are BrandiAnne who graduated from high school and is first year in the Community College at Mason City; J.T. just had his 16th birthday - now he can drive alone.
We wish for you Christmas blessings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
[signed] Dad and Mom