Wednesday, December 25, 2013


December 18, 2013

Another year has gone by and it's been a good one! We are both in good health, just a little slower, just sit a little more, just nap a little more.

Vince has officially re-retired. He has gone in one day a week as an adjunct professor for about 15 years but decided now was the time to quit. There seems to be enough jobs around here to keep him busy.

We still keep our apartment in Decorah (we go north for the summer) though we did move. An apartment across the way from ours became available so we took that one. It is a 2 bedroom so we now have room for guests. Come see us.

There have been a few trips this year. The most memorable one was to celebrate Vince's 80th birthday. We gathered the whole family for a week in July at a light house keeper's cottage that has been restored and is rented out by the Calvert County, MD, Museum. It is right on Chesapeake Bay - the light house is still in operation, but not the keeper's cottage. It can be divided in half, so 2 unrelated families can use or it can be opened up. It holds 14; we were 19, but lucky for us, Dawn lives about 20 minutes from there so they drove down each day. The times to have everyone free to get together are not very often, so it is extra special when it happens.

Other trips: twice to Mankato, for 'family reunions' - once the usual end of June and the second in July when brother Gordon was there from Denver.

A trip to the Maryland area in the spring to see Heather receive her promotion to Lt. Commander- yes, she still is in the Navy and stationed at Fort Belvoir Army Hospital.

We went to Hayward, Wl for a visit with a colleague at his cabin on the lake. He says we can use it anytime.

Oh, and to Carson City to visit 6 year old Roslyn and while we were there we watched Mark play the part of Javert in Les Miz at their Community College.

We have also had visitors: Dawn and Bob from Maryland, Sharon, Jessica and boys from Mpls. and Duluth, Karlene and Ed Krisker from Minnesota seeking Roe family info--our 4x great grandfathers were brothers; Pam and Tom with Sharon and Dalen, Steve and Kathy from Denver. Not all at the same time, you understand.

Vince plays once or twice a month in the praise band at Our Redeemer. He bought himself an acoustic bass guitar last fall. I keep busy with LWR quilting and Bible study.

As to the grandchildren: I already mentioned Heather; her brother, Andrew lives in Richmond VA and has a job using computers (we call him when we need help) - they are Dawn's 'kids.'

And I mentioned Mark's daughter, Roslyn - she is in first grade.

Then Arik's: Kaelyn is 13, in 8th grade; Amaya is 10, soon to be 11 and in 5th grade and Lauren is 8 and in 3rd grade.

Jené's are BrandiAnne who graduated from high school and is first year in the Community College at Mason City; J.T. just had his 16th birthday - now he can drive alone.

We wish for you Christmas blessings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

[signed] Dad and Mom